Enhanced Domains - Config


With Salesforce’s Spring ‘23 release, Enhanced Domains will be enabled, which means that the domain structure of your org and public sites will be changed. You can already turn Enhanced Domains on proactively before Spring ‘23 is deployed. A number of changes are necessary in order to make sure Connexys is configured correctly for these new domains. The following steps need to be performed after the activation of Enhanced Domains, doing it before will result in breaking a number of functionalities until Spring '23 goes live.

To be prepared for Enhanced Domains, your Connexys package needs to be upgraded to at least version 31.16. If your package is on an older version, please contact support to get your Connexys package updated.

If you need any help performing the steps below, please contact our support team via help@connexys.com.

1. Adjust references to your Org domain (Visualforce URL)

When enabling Enhanced Domains, the URL of your salesforce org will change. The domain will change to [org name].my.salesforce.com. To make sure all pages within the Connexys application keep working, a new URL needs to be configured in the Connexys Application Settings.

When opening the Connexys setup, this value should be updated automatically. The new value should look amongst the lines of https://[org name]--cxsrec.vf.force.com for production orgs and https://[org name]--[sandbox name]--cxsrec.sandbox.vf.force.com for sandbox orgs.

If for some reason this value is not updated automatically, you can do it manually by opening the Connexys Setup > Application Settings, navigating to the section General / All Settings, and updating the field Host URL of VisualForce pages.


2. Adjust references to your Site domain

Just like the Org domain URL, the Site user domain URL is impacted as well by Enhanced Domains. To find the new site URL, go to Setup > Sites. Your Site domain should end in my.salesforce-sites.com.

For any references to the site user (often used for application forms, proposal portal, and CV generator), the new URL needs to be logged in the correct setting so new URLs are generated correctly. 

The URL found here should be updated in Connexys Setup > Application Settings > All Settings > Salesforce domain name. Make sure you include https:// at the start of the URL.

Note: If you work in an org with a lot of (100+) Users, it might be that you receive an error when trying to update the Salesforce domain name field. If this happens, please contact our support team via help@connexys.com


3. CORS settings

For this setting, you can use the very same URL that you placed in the Salesforce domain name field. This same URL needs to be registered in 2 more locations to make sure that your application forms keep working.

(If the Javascript Form Origin Domains field is empty, you can skip the CORS settings entirely)

  1. Add the URL to the Javascript Form Origin Domains field, found via Connexys Setup > Application Settings > Application Form. Do not remove any of the URLs that are already in this field and make sure all values in this field are separated by a comma.
  2. You need to create a new CORS record via Setup > Security > CORS, where you press New and fill in the Site URL. 


4. Remote Site Settings

Earlier in steps 1 and 2, both the Salesforce domain name and Host URL of VisualForce pages fields in the Connexys Setup > Application settings have been updated to reflect the new URLs used for your Org domain and Site domain. Now, these values also need to be registered in your Remote Site Settings. You can find these through Setup > Security > Remote Site Settings.

For each field,  you click New Remote Site and fill in the URL in the Remote Site URL field. There are no requirements for the Name of this record, but it is recommended to use a value that is easily identifiable in the future, for example, ‘EnhancedDomainsOrgDomain’ and ‘EnhancedDomainsSitedomain’. 


5. Check Webservice Callouts

*For this point you will need assistance from your web builder*

Most clients use the cxsPositionWebservice to retrieve Job information for the publication of jobs on websites. Depending on which endpoint has been configured for the webservice callouts, you might run into issues with retrieving new jobs once Enhanced Domains are enabled.

If you use a reference to a server instance in the callout, the webservice will keep operating when enhanced domains are enabled. The endpoint used should look like the following:


You can check the current server instance of your org by going to Setup > Company Information and checking the Instance field. 

If you use a reference to an org domain in the callout, you need to adjust the domain when enhanced domains are enabled. This is because the org domain will change when Enhanced Domains are enabled. When not adjusted, the webservice tries to use an endpoint that no longer exists.

You can check the current domain and new domain in your org by going to Setup > My Domain.

https://[domain name].cloudforce.com/services/Soap/class/cxsrec/cxsPositionWebservice

https://[domain name].my.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/cxsrec/cxsPositionWebservice

New (sandbox):
https://[domain name].sandbox.my.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/cxsrec/cxsPositionWebservice

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