Release Notes - Connexys v30.9


This article is an overview of the most important improvements and fixes for release v30.9


  • Miscellaneous improvements
  • Miscellaneous fixes

Miscellaneous improvements







From now on, chatter information on the candidate, including field change history, will be removed when the candidate is anonymized.

When the candidate is anonymized manually, using the Anonymize button on the candidate, the chatter info which will be deleted, is shown next to the other information, prior to anonymization.


 NOTE - Historical data will not be anonymized. 

To run this functionality go to -Setup -> User Interface -> Enable “Delete from Field History” and “Delete from Field History Archive” User Permissions

This permission needs to be turned on.







It is now possible to copy the Hard Criteria from a Candidate whilst generating CVs.

Copied Hard Criteria items are highlighted in blue on the left side of Gen CV after being copied.


Whilst looking at this issue, some other inconsistencies have been resolved as follows:-

  • Fixed issue with getting Hard Criteria with Levels when the latest published CV contains them, and the "Load Hard Criteria from Candidate" is unchecked
  • Fixed issue for undo/redo when "Load Hard Criteria from Candidate" is checked. Before the fix, Hard Criteria data were loaded from the database every time when clicking on undo/redo.

We would recommend testing the Generate CV and Apply Form functions if Hard Criteria are being used in this area.


Miscellaneous fixes






An issue with a warning message being displayed that files exceeded the size limit when uploading attachments to the Apply Form pages, has now been resolved.    Any clients using Textkernel's Sourcebox for CV parsing may wish to test document processing in a Sandbox environment (if possible) first, just to ensure this change does not have any impact.
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