Release Notes - Connexys v30.5


This article is an overview of the most important improvements and fixes for release v30.5



  • Miscellaneous improvements
  • Miscellaneous fixes


Miscellaneous improvements



Configuration instructions

CXS-1347 The ability to delete multiple people from talentpool in Lightning has been introduced  
CXS-1926 It is now possible to hide some steps for a user with a Hiring Manager profile and make them only available for the recruiter in certain statuses, and vice versa.

- 2 Custom Remissions('Hiring Manager Step Action' and 'Recruiter Step Action')
- Global value set 'Step Action Access' for field 'Action Access' on 'Workflow Step' object
- updated cxsWorkflowUtil.cls

To configure profile access to specific step actions, assign the appropriate custom permission to the required profiles. 

When updating the required Workflow Step records, set the value in the Action Access multi picklist (Hiring Manager Step Actions or Recruiter Step Action) if the Action Access field is blank, this workflow action will be visible to all profiles that have access to the Workflow Step records.

To set Custom Permission go to Profile->Enabled Custom Permissions->add necessary custom permission


Miscellaneous fixes



CXS-1707 When trying to add a candidate from Textkernel search to talentpool, the 'Add Candidates to Talentpool' option now appears
CXS-1437 The 'Apply to Job' page on Talentpool no longer throws a component error when opening
CXS-1663 An issue adding some candidates to the Employee talentpool has been resolved
CXS-859 The date picker selection on Interview Date in the Hiring Manager Portal has been returned
CXS-1942 Icons for the Proposal Portal Date picker have been re-introduced
CXS-1655 Supplier email templates are now respecting the language of the recipient
CXS-1091 Attachments can now be restored after a related candidate or job application is restored


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