Release Notes - Connexys v.26


This article is an overview of the most important improvements and fixes for release v.26. 

Since Release 25 was a minor release and was not installed on any orgs, Release 26 will also push all improvements and changes from Release 25 to your org. For more information please read the release notes from Release 25.


We plan to make release 26 available for rollout to full copy sandboxes from the 3rd of November onwards. Production environments to follow soon after.


  • Talentpool overview page configuration


Talentpool overview page configuration (cxs-758)

We introduced several options to configure the talentpool overview page to your liking.

View mode

The ability to switch between table view or the tiles view. Admins can choose which of these views is the default, and whether the user has the ability to change it.

Pagination page size

The admin can choose how many records (read: talentpools) to display on a single page.

Default filtering and sorting

Admins can choose which filters should apply to the page. For instance 

Is_favourite__c EQ (true)

will filter the page to only display favorite talentpools. The filtering also allows for more complex logic by adding multiple filters:

Is_favourite_c EQ (true),Category_c EQ ('ICT')

Will only display favorite filters which category equals "ICT". Additionally, it is possible to add sorting logic into the page. Allowing for instance to display all favorite talentpools first, followed by alphabetical sorting: 

'cxsrec_Is_favourite_c ORDER_DESC, Name ORDER_ASC'


Miscellaneous improvements



Configuration instructions

CXS-847 It is now possible to add candidates to multiple talentpools from a single modal from Talentpool list component from the candidate record(not add to talentool record button). We've turned the radio buttons into checkboxes, allowing for multi-selection.

Go to edit page, add list component from Manage-Custom section. 

Add cxsrec__cxsPerson_in_Talentpool__c in object name. Add Candidate__c EQ ('{recordId}') to filters.

You can add existing or make new fieldsets to show the fields in the component.


CXS-844 We have made improvements on the performance of the pages, affected by the maps component. The maps component will now be visible in a modal after a click, contributing to quicker load times for the pages.
This is similar to how it worked in Classic.
CXS-843 We have improved the performance of the 'Group Create Job Applications' action by making the batch size configurable. 

New custom setting was implemented to control batch size for Group Job Application Creation. By default (empty field value) batch size is 100 records. To change this value:

  1. Go to Setup
  2. Custom Settings
  3. System defaults -> Manage
  4. Set an Integer value to 'Group Create Job Application Batch size' field.

'Group Create Job Application Batch size' can have a maximum value of 2,000

CXS-308 We added a nice_name override for the proposal portal. 

Use Nice_Name__c in the Proposal Portal Override Configuration

CXS-306 We extended the logic for displaying contacts in the proposal wizard. It will now only show contacts that are active.  
CXS-237 We introduced the ability to filter on topics in a talentpool. For this you need to add topics field in cxsrec__DataServiceFilters fieldset on cxsrec__cxsPerson_in_Talentpool__c object
CXS-110 Mergefield  Special.candidatecards & special.candidatetable will now properly interpret HTML markup.  


Miscellaneous fixes



CXS-892 Fixed an issue where 'Job Application' records were not showing on the Talentpool tabel right away after adding person to the talentpool.
CXS-848 Resolved a problem where candidates would get duplicate hard criteria because of answering a questionnaire. 
CXS-795 Fixed an issue where picklists would show values that did not correspond to the recordtype of the record. 
CXS-779 Resolved an issue where email templates wouldn't show up for all the steps they're configured for in certain situations. 
CXS-773 Resolved an issue where hard criteria values weren't part of the TextKernel Match query.
CXS-719 Resolved an issue where wrong results were displayed when parsing saved CV on a Candidate, with related work experience / education records, in the Lightning CV generator
CXS-353 Fixed a problem where RTF Fields from Work Experience/Education showed extra breaklines in CV generation.  
CXS-299 Fixed an issue where proposal override doesn't work on generate_CV object fields.
CXS-250 Resolved an issue where picklist values in proposal wizard do not parse to summary when using an existing CV
CXS-212 Fixed a translations issue where recordtype in the Send email function, in Talentpools, was not translated correctly



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