Progress path



The progress path component displays the current stage of the job application in a visual path. Users can see what next steps can be taken for the job application and what previous steps were. This component is easy to use and powerful for showing the current status of a job application in a glance. 


Where can this component be used?

- Job application record retail page


How to configure this component

This component can be added by going to the Job application record detail page and by using the "Edit page". On the edit page, you can choose to display the Status, Previous Steps and Next Steps. You can also define the height of this component. 


The progress path component follows the "Workflow status" values. You can choose for which "Stage" a Workflow status is meant, and the workflow status will be made visual for that stage in the progress path component. 

Configure Workflow Stage

Go to the Connexys Setup > Advanced setup > Workflow. Choose view all workflows and Open one of the existing Workflows. 

Go to the related list, you will be able to choose to add a new Workflow status. 

Here the picklist for "Stage" is shown. The picklist is defined in a custom field Stage__c. You can edit this list by going to the Object Manager > Workflow Status > Fields & Relationships > Stage


To manage the Workflow steps, you can go to the Connexys Setup > Advanced setup > Workflow steps. 

Here is an article about how to configure workflow steps in Classic:



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