The List component is present in the Workflow, Talentpools and Proposals tabs. It can also be added to the page layout as related list in any record detail page. In the Workflow tab, items in the list can be selected to perform next steps or group steps. In other locations, items can be selected for browsing, edit or delete actions.
Where can this component be used?
- Talentpools tab
- Proposals tab
- Workflow tab
- Related list in record detail pages
How can this component be configured?
The List component can be added when "Edit Page" is opened when you are on a record detail page. Just drap and drop the component to the page layout to add it.
- Header
An optional header above the list. Leave empty for no header.
- sObject name
Name of the Object on which this view is based. Example: "cxsJob_application__c".
- sObject fields
Object field names which are used can be added to the view. Please don't put in extra spaces between object field names. "Example: Name,Position__r.Name"
- sObject field sets
Object fieldSet names which are used can be added to the view. Extra spaces are also not needed here. Example: "spHomeJobApplication,Propose_finish"
The List component will automatically refresh and display the configured list.
- Pagination page size
Set the number of records on a single page.
- Filters
Filters for on the data. Each filter need be separated by a comma and contains field API name, one of the available operators (EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT, ISNULL, NOTNULL, VALUEIN, VALUENOTIN) and value. Value needs to be inside the brackets () and if it is string values - need to have a single quotes if it is Integer or Boolean type. Example:
Status__c EQ ('1.2 Questionnaire answered'),Hourly_pay_rate__c GE (10),Candidate__c EQ ('{recordId}')
More info about how to configure the filters can be found here.
- Filter logic
Filter logic for advanced filters. Use the keywords OR and AND and group them with brackets. Example: ({A} OR {B}) AND {C}
- Order by
Fields to sorting on. Each order field needs to be separated by a comma and contains field API name and one of the available operators (ORDER_ASC, ORDER_DESC). Example: Hourly_pay_rate__c ORDER_ASC,Name ORDER_DESC
- Row is selectable
When selected, the rows on the list will be selectable by the user. This is needed in combination with group actions.
- Show filters or not
When selected, the filters will be shown to the user.
- Fieldset used for filters
Provide field set names that will be used to display filters, these filters will be based on fields from the given field sets.
- Allow users to change the view mode
- Default view mode
Select the default view mode table or tiles.
- Global/Mass actions
By using 'Global/Mass actions' attribute admin can add comma separated list of supported action names (like: NewRecord,PageLayoutListViewButtonMassUpdate,PageLayoutListViewButtonNewProposal).
- Record actions
By using 'Record actions' attribute admin can add comma separated list of supported action names (like: EditRecord,DeleteRecord).
- Show Browse button
It is possible to browse the list items by enabling this option. You can find more information on the Browse component here: