Lightning versus classic


The first version of our Lightning application does not have the same functionalities as the classic application. This article offers a comparison of functionalities between Lightning and Classic. 

Job Wizard

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Add fieldsets on job object Yes Yes
Setup page per recordtype Yes Yes
Hard criteria Yes Yes
Prefill company description for selected account Yes Yes
Manage job requirements Yes Yes
Prefill job description fields for selected job template Yes Yes
Prefill hard criteria for selected job template Yes Yes
Prefill job requirements for selected job template  Yes Yes
After saving, fill job requirements text field with data from job requirements component  No Yes
Google geolocation autocomplete on job location field Yes Yes
Lookup filters for Recruiter, Hiringmanager Yes Yes


Home page --> Open jobs

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Show jobs for logged in user Yes Yes
Navigate to workflow page for selected job Yes Yes
User can choose to show jobs for his account  No Yes
User can choose to show jobs for selection of colleagues  No Yes


Home page --> My workflow

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Navigate to workflow page for selected status Yes Yes
User can choose to show job applications for his account  No Yes
User can choose to show job applications for selection of colleagues No Yes


CV generator

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
User can add candidate fields to generated CV Yes Yes
User can see  a preview of the generated CV  Yes Yes
User can see a preview of the proposal portal Yes Yes
User can add recruiter fields to generated CV Yes Yes
User can add work experiences to generated CV Yes Yes
User can add educations to generated CV  Yes Yes
User can save a version of a generated CV  No Yes
User can use data from old version of CV No Yes
User can generate a CV for a job application Yes Yes
User can generate a CV for a candidate No Yes
User can use data from parsed CV on the generated CV  Yes Yes
  Yes Yes
User can add job requirements data on generated CV Yes Yes
Work experience custom rich text field is being filled with parsing Yes Yes
Work experience custom rich text field is being filled with data from non-rich text field in database Yes No
Hard criteria, Job requirements will not be saved back to the database, but only added to the generated CV Yes No


Step component

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
User can create new step for a single candidate from workflow Yes Yes
User can create new step for multiple candidates from workflow Yes Yes
Admin can setup workflow logic Yes Yes
User can fill fieldset with data on step object Yes Yes
User can fill fieldset with data on job application object (only for single step) Yes Yes
User can fill fieldset with data on candidate object (only for single step) Yes Yes
User can send multi-lingual emails to candidate, contact and supplier with mergefields Yes Yes
User can assess job requirements for candidate (single record only) Yes Yes
Admin is able to automatically open a step in browse mode Yes Yes
User can add candidates to talentpool in step page Yes Yes


Step activty timeline 

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
View previous steps of job applications on candidate record detail page No Yes
View previous steps of job applications on job application record detail page No Yes


Hard criteria component

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Define and add hard criteria to candidate record Yes Yes
Define and add hard criteria to job record Yes Yes
Easy edit hard criteria of candidate and job records No Yes


Progress path component

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
See the workflow status and stage in a visual progress path No Yes
Set the next step with the progress path No Yes

Home page --> Install wizard

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Use the install wizard to setup a new Salesforce site and add Google API key Yes No



Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
User can open a tab with talentpools Yes Yes
User can open a talentpool and see the persons in the pool Yes Yes
User can create a new talentpool Yes Yes
User can add a candidate to a talentpool from the candidate page Yes Yes
User can select persons in pool and initiate "Send job by email" Yes Yes
User can select persons in pool and initiate "Send email" Yes Yes
User can select persons in pool and initiate "Create job applications" Yes Yes
User can mark a talentpool as his favorite pool Yes Yes
User has an overview of his favorite pools on his home page Yes Yes
User can manage automated activities for a talentpool Yes Yes
User can see last activities for person in pool  Yes No
User can see availability for person in pool Yes No
User can show chatter on talentpool detail page Yes No


Drop Files and Drop Image

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Drag and drop files on records No Yes
Drag and drop images on records No Yes


List component

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Compose custom overview of object fields or fieldsets in a list on a record page No Yes

Applicant tracking / Workflow

Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Overview of job applications with their current status Yes Yes
Select and browse multiple job applications Yes Yes
Select and compare multiple job applications No Yes
Select multiple job applications and perform a group step Yes Yes
Click and preview documents Yes Yes
Rate a job application Yes Yes
See previous steps taken for job application No Yes
Use filters to filter results on overview Yes Yes
Search with keywords using boolean operators like AND / OR No Yes



Functionality Available in Classic Available in Lightning
Propose candidates without job applications to contacts Yes Yes
Overview of proposals made No Yes
Generate CV during the proposal wizard No Yes
Write different introductions for different contacts No Yes
Step by step guidance with the proposal wizard No Yes
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