Release Notes - Connexys v.13


This article is an overview of the most important improvements for release v.13. For a list of new objects, fields and visualforce pages that were added in this release, please go to this article.


This release won’t be installed on all customer orgs since this release is a minor release. The concerning customers will be contacted directly regarding the deployment of this release.


  • Additions
  • Changes
  • Announcement



Lightning Ready: MVP

We are proud to announce that this release contains our MVP release of Lightning. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product and is an early version of the Lightning application that contains limited functionality in Lightning. This version will be tested with a selected group of customers and their feedback will be gathered and used to improve our Lightning application. We will continue to work on this to ensure our application is fully functional in Salesforce Lightning and aim to have this finished at the end of this year.

To read more on Salesforce Lightning, visit: Salesforce lightning campaign.



Candidate Search

We’ve optimized Candidate Search. [MAIN-64] 

JavaScript Form

  • Geolocation is now fully compatible with the JavaScript form. You will need to add the geolocation field to the standard Candidate fieldset (cxsrec__Apply_page) or any other fieldset used in the JavaScript form if you don't use the standard fieldset. For more information, please see the article Javascript Application Form API: Basic Setup[TRS-5003]
  • We have enlarged the JavaScript Form Origin Domains field to allow for up to 32,000 characters. [TRS-5126]

Mass Update

An in app message will notify you If you have not selected records prior to clicking on the Mass Update button. [TRS-5372]

Proposal Portal

  • We have updated the cxsProposalPortal page so that the Locale will be based on the Contact's Language.
  • The ProposalPortal datePicker will now show the dates in the correct format. [UFO-578]

System Defaults

Two new custom settings have been added to the Salesforce Setup: CV generator templates and Salesforce domain name. These two settings have the same name as two application settings (in the Connexys Setup) and whenever the custom setting has a value, it will override the value in the application setting.

The custom setting allows you to specify different values for specific profiles or users, instead of just an organization wide setting since the custom setting can be assigned to profiles or users. Functionally the custom settings act the same way as the corresponding application settings. The major difference is the ability to assign different values for different profiles and users with custom settings.

This is useful if you have an org with different labels and subsequent sites. It’s now possible to assign the correct Site URL (when using multiple sites) to the preferred profiles or users as well as the available CV generator templates. [UFO-647]

Workflow status picklist

We’ve corrected the sorting of the values in the workflow status picklist for the csxApplicationWizard. [TRS-5353]

Job alert

It's now possible to add a privacy statement to the Job alert register page. In the job alert itself there are two new fields:

  • Alternate privacy statement: Enter the API name of a custom label in this field that you want to use for this. The text in that custom label will be shown on the register page. If left empty it will refer to the label "Privacy_statement_info".
  • Enable privacy question: If checked, the privacy statement will be shown (the default value is false).

The job alert registrations will have three new fields: 

  • Privacy statement accepted (was the privacy statement accepted)
  • Privacy statement Text (actual text of the accepted privacy statement)
  • Privacy statement date accepted (the date the privacy statement was accepted) [MAIN-61]

In addition, a check on the Job Alert Register page was added to make sure that the value entered in the Name field is not a URL. [MAIN-75]


If there are Field History records that contain a field that will be anonymized, these records will now be deleted during the anonymization process. This also applies to the fields listed in the field set of fields to be anonymized.

In order to delete Field History records, the following needs to be configured:

  • Go to Salesforce Setup - User Interface - and enable the following permission: Enable "Delete from Field History" and "Delete from Field History Archive" User Permissions [MAIN-58]

In addition, deleted records due to anonymization won't be moved to the recycle bin anymore and can therefore not be restored after being anonymized. [TRS-4284]

It's now also possible to anonymize custom Job application fields. To enable this you need to create a custom fieldset on the Job Application object and add the the fields that need to be anonymized to this fieldset. The API name of the fieldset then needs to be entered in the new application setting Fieldset (job application object) in the Anonymize section. [TRS-5738]


On the Activity page a select option has been added so you can choose if you want to see both tasks and events, only tasks or only events. The section This Activity also has navigation between activities. This is also filtered on the Show option selected. [PS-40]


The icons for Candidate, Job, Job application and Campus event have been changed to a more modern version to prepare for the Lightning release. [TRS-5460]



Since the deployment of the Salesforce Summer '18 release the "Edit Self Service User" permission is now named "Manage Customer Users". The functionality remains the same, but the permission is no longer enabled by default for new standard profiles. This is now just the case for orgs that were created after the Summer '18 release became available. However, as of the Salesforce Winter ’19 release (which will be deployed later this year), this permission will be removed from all standard profiles and will thus also affect existing orgs.

To make sure your org will work just fine after the Winter '19 release, we advise you to implement the solution as soon as possible. There are two possible solutions, depending on the fact if you use the Supplier Portal (Marketplace, Community) or not.

Solution for Portal orgs

  • Go to Salesforce Setup - Manage Users - Permission Sets
  • Click on New to create a new Permission Set
  • Give the Permission Set a name, for example Manage Customer Users and assign it to the correct license, namely Salesforce
  • Go to App Permissions and click on Edit
  • Enable the permission Manage Customer Users and click SaveEnable_manage_customer_users.png
  • Click on Manage Assignments on the top
  • On the next page click on Add Assignments
  • Select the System Admin user who manages the customer users for the Portal, click on Assign and then click on Done

Solution for non-Portal orgs

  • Go to Salesforce Setup - Build - Customer Portal - Customer Portal Settings
  • In the section Portals click on Edit before Supplier marketplace
  • Clear the field Administrator (fourth field on the screen)
  • Scroll down to the Self-Registration Settings section and deselect Self-Registration Enabled
  • Click Save


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