How to create a new media channel


This article describes how a new media channel can be created. To perform this change you need to have access to both the Salesforce Setup and the Connexys Setup.


1. Create new fields
2. Create a new media channel
3. Change page layout/Job wizard

1. Create new fields

First, you need to create three new fields on the Job object:

  1. A checkbox field
  2. A date field for the start date
  3. A date field for the end date

Make sure the API name starts with Channel_ because this triggers our code to recognize it as a media channel. For the date fields, make sure they start with Channel_ and end with respectively _start_date and _end_date. __c is placed behind the API name automatically when saving the new field. See the screenshot below for an example of how the field names should be constructed. Where it says MyWebsite the name of your preference can be entered instead of MyWebsite and should be identical for the three fields.

2. Create a new media channel

The second step is to create a new media channel in the Connexys Setup > Advanced setup > Media channels. Make sure the name of the new media channel is the same as what is written in the API name between Channel_ and __c (checkbox field) or between Channel_ and _start_date__c / _end_date__c (date fields). So, in this example, I will name the new media channel MyWebsite in the field Media channel name. Also, enter this name in the field System name.

In some cases, you might want the name in the field Media channel name to be different since this is the name that is used for the webservice. This is possible as long as you make sure that the name in the field System name is still identical to what is written in the API name between Channel_ and __c (checkbox field) or between Channel_ and _start_date__c / _end_date__c (date fields). In this example, you enter MyWebsite in the field System name, which allows you to enter whatever name you would like in the field Media channel name. You might need to add the field System name to the page layout.

If you want to change the Media channel name for an already existing media channel, you can do that as well. Just as long as the correct name is in the field System name.

3. Change page layout/Job wizard

Add the new fields to the page layout of the job and/or to the Job wizard. This allows users (who have access to these fields) to publish jobs/events to this new media channel.

4. Validation rules (not obligatory)

Vacancies will only be published to their respective media channel when the media channel checkbox is checked AND Channel_start_date__c contains a date in the present or past. It could be helpful to instate a validation rule that prevents you from saving a record when selecting a media channel without filling in a date.

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