How to create a new media channel


This guide explains the steps to create a new media channel in Connexys. To complete these steps, you will need access to both Salesforce Setup and Connexys Setup.

1. Create New Fields

First, you’ll need to add three new fields to the Job object:

  • Checkbox field: Used to enable or disable the media channel.
  • Start date field: A date field to specify the start date for publishing.
  • End date field: A date field for the end date of publishing.

For these fields to work as media channels, follow these naming conventions for the API name:

  • Checkbox field: Start with Channel_, followed by the media channel name, e.g., Channel_MyWebsite__c.
  • Date fields: Start with Channel_, followed by the channel name, ending with _start_date and _end_date. For example, Channel_MyWebsite_start_date__c and Channel_MyWebsite_end_date__c.

Note that __c is automatically added to the API name when saving the field.

2. Add the New Media Channel

Next, create the media channel in Connexys Setup:

  1. Go to Connexys Setup > Advanced Setup > Media Channels.
  2. Enter the new channel name as it appears in the API name between Channel_ and __c for the checkbox field (or between Channel_ and _start_date / _end_date for date fields).
    • For example, if your API name is Channel_MyWebsite__c, enter “MyWebsite” as the System Name.
  3. In the Media Channel Name field, enter the name as you’d like it displayed in the system.

Note: The Media Channel Name is what appears on the web service and can be different from the System Name. Just ensure that the System Name exactly matches the API name.

If you’re updating an existing media channel’s name, simply change the Media Channel Name field. The System Name must remain consistent with the API name.

3. Update Page Layout / Job Wizard

To make the new media channel fields accessible:

  • Add them to the Job object’s page layout and/or the Job Wizard.
  • This enables users to view and select this media channel when publishing jobs or events, provided they have access to these fields.

4. Optional: Set Up Validation Rules

To ensure accuracy when using media channels, consider creating a validation rule. This will prevent users from saving a job without a start date if they select a media channel.

Vacancies will only publish to the selected media channel if:

  1. The media channel checkbox is checked.
  2. The Channel_start_date__c field contains a date that is either today’s date or a date in the past.

Setting a validation rule can help prevent incomplete entries when selecting a media channel.

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