URL parameters: analytics and reporting


This page describes which URL parameters the application can handle. Value results are shown on the Job Application (detail page), and in that way especially can be used for reports and analytics.




CXS-Field: Referrer [cxsrec__referer_c]
Parameter: referer

  • a) When not used passed as a parameter in the URL; the result shows the URL from which page the visitor came.
  • b) When given a certain value; the certain value will show.


User agent

Field: User agent
Parameter: [none, works without parameter]
Result: shows used browser agents



CXS-Field: visitorId
Parameter: visitor
Result: General parameter, which may for example be used for tracking logged in visitors

Google analytics

CXS-Fields, and Parameters







Campaign Source (utm_source)
Required. Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.
Example: utm_source=google

Campaign Medium (utm_medium)
Required. Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click.
Example: utm_medium=cpc

Campaign Term (utm_term)
Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad.
Example: utm_term=running+shoes

Campaign Content (utm_content)
Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.
Examples: utm_content=logolink or utm_content=textlink

Campaign Name (utm_campaign)
Required. Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.
Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale


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