How to add a new homepage component for Knowledge base


On your homepage in Salesforce you have two Connexys support links: Knowledge base and Submit a request. If you are not automatically logged in to the support environment when clicking on Knowledge base, the admin of your org can create a new homepage component for this link.

--Below the steps to create a new homepage component for Knowledge base--

Step 1: Go to  Setup --> Build - Customize - Home - Custom Links

Step 2: Create a new custom link with a label that is suitable for your organisation (but still clear to users what it is for). The name will be automatically filled based on the label.

- The behavior should be on "Display in new window" and the content source needs to be "URL".

- The value is:

OR: You can also edit the existing Knowledge base custom link and change the value to:

Step 3: To make sure the new custom link is shown on the homepage, you also need to add to the existing homepage component or create a new one. For this you go to Setup --> Build - Customize - Home - Home Page Components. You either create a new component or edit the current used one. When creating a new component, you need to add both links: Knowledge base (either the new one or the altered old one) and Submit a request.

OR: If you changed the existing custom link in Step 2, you do not need to create a new homepage component, because the exisiting custom link is already available on the homepage.

Step 4: If you have create a new homepage component, you need to add this to the layout via: Setup --> Build - Customize - Home - Home Page Layouts.

Please note that some organizations do their own (first line of) support and the above mentioned links are therefore not available in those Salesforce orgs

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