Javascript Application Form API: Basic Setup


This conceptual documentation is designed to let you quickly setup your own application form with the Connexys Application form API. You will learn about how to add a form on your website without the use of an iFrame.

This documentation is designed for people familiar with Javascript programming and object-oriented programming concepts. You should also be familiar with application forms from a user's point of view. There are many Javascript tutorials available on the web.

This API is available in version 7+ of the resource manager.


Before you get started

  1. The page the application form will be placed in must run under HTTPS.
  2. You need the public site URL of your ORG. This URL can be found in the "Setup" menu. Navigate to "Sites". You need the HTTPS site URL.
  3. Setup your salesforce org for the salesforce API

Step 2 and 3 require access to the Connexys application. If you don't have access to the Connexys application, ask your Connexys administrator to do this for you and to send you the public site URL. Also keep in mind that some of the setup of the form is done in the Connexys application. Without access to system you will be able to add the application form to your website, but your Connexys administrator will need to finalize the setup process.



Chapter Content
Hello world
Helps you get started with the API
Form options Specifications for the different form options
Passing analytics information to the Connexys application Explains you how to pass analytics information to the Connexys application.
Adding your own javascript logic to the form Explains you how you can add your own javascript function to events happening on the form.
Using URL parameters
Explains how to use url parameters instead of javascript function options.
Available functions for use in custom javascript code. Explains which functions you can use in your own custom functions.
Fileupload and how to style them. A short explanation of a possible method to style the fileupload fields.
Using a location prefill field. Use a simple location search box to prefill the address information of the candidate.
Full example This chapter contains example code for all of the above possibilities.



Hello world

The easiest way to start learning about the Connexys Application Form JavaScript API is to see a simple example.

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale="1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="cxsFormHolder"></div>


Even in this simple example, there are a few things to note:

  1. In the head section we set a few meta tags that will ensure that the page will be responsive for mobile devices.
  2. We load the Connexys Application Form JavaScript API using a script tag.
  3. We create a div element named "cxsFormHolder" to hold the application form.
  4. We define a JavasScript function that creates an application form in the div.

These steps are explained below.

1) Meta tags

The meta tag charset="utf-8" will make sure that the browser renders characters correctly.

The second meta tag is used to improve the responsiveness of the page.

2) Load the Connexys Application Form Javascript API

To load the Connexys Application Form Javascript API, use a script tag like the one in the following example. You must get this script library from the public site URL of your own ORG. So you should replace the "" with your own public site url.

Also notice that we get it from the secure (HTTPS) version of the site. This is also very important.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

3) Use a HTML container to place the cxsApplyform in.

For the application form to display on a web page, we must reserve a spot for it. Commonly, we do this by creating a named div element and obtaining a reference to this element in the browser's document object model (DOM).

In the example above, we used CSS to set the height of the cxsApplyForm div to "100%". This will expand to fit the size on mobile devices. You may need to adjust the width and height values based on the browser's screensize and padding. Note that divs usually take their width from their containing element, and empty divs usually have 0 height. For this reason, you must always set a height on the <div> explicitly.

<div id="cxsFormHolder"></div>
4) Initialize the application form
The application form must be initialized to show it on the page. The initialization works with form options. There are two required options for every form: target and server.
The example above shows an open application using the default mediachannel.
There are much more settings you can use to include the right application form More detailed explanation of the available form options can be found below.

4.) Add jQuery to the page

Optionally add jQuery to the page. If the page has no jQuery library available it will add jQuery v1.10.2 from your org (from Connexys version 17, this will be jQuery 1.12.3).

5.) Add styling to the page

You will want to add your own style to the form using CSS. To give you a headstart on this you can optionally use one of our premade style. Simply include one of these lines to the head of your page, either as an example or as a start to build your own CSS upon.

Responsive styling:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Basic styling:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

6.) Fallback for users without javascript

Extend your formHolder to show a loading spinner or a message for users without javascript.

<div id="cxsFormHolder">
<script>document.write('<img src=""/>');</script>
<noscript><br/>Javascript is required to show this form, please enable javascript or lower your security settings and try again.</noscript>

Please keep in mind that you need to change the "" with your own public site URL.

7.) Questionnaires
When using questionnaires with the javascript form use the following article:
Javascript API for questionnaires

 8.) Hardcriteria autocomplete
More about this feature ( release 9+) Javascript API Hardcriteria autocomplete .

9.) FAQ


Form options

Required parameters

Option Type Explanation
target String

The HTML container the form will be placed in. Usually the ID of a DIV that will hold the application form. In case of multiple results we will add the form to the first element.


Example: "#cxsFormHolder"

server String

The public site URL of your ORG. This URL can be found in the "Setup" menu. Navigate to "Sites". You need the HTTPS site URL. (including the "/" at the end of the URL.

Example: ""

Optional parameters

Option Type Explanation
jobId String

In most cases you will use the application form in the context of a candidate applying for a specific job. You can specify the job by passing the ID of the job to the optional parameters.

jobId: "a0L2400000DbOqL"

Normally you will get the list of open jobs with their ID from the positionWebservice.

eventId String The application form can also be used as a registration form for campus events that are published. This will allow students to register themselves to participate in a campus event.
eventId: "a0UA0000005kdjx"

Normally you will get the list of events with their ID from the eventWebservice.

This parameter should not be combined with the jobId parameter, since the form is either in a "register for campus event" mode or in a "apply for a job" mode.

lang String

The application form is multi-language by nature. You can specify the language in which you want to show the form by submitting the right language code.

Languages must be available in the Connexys application. In most cases a subset of the following language codes is supported:

  • de (German)
  • nl_NL (Dutch)
  • fr (French)
  • en_US (English)
  • sk (Slovak)
  • pl (Polish)
  • it (Italian)
  • es (Spanish)

You can find the available languages for your Connexys ORG in the Connexys setup menu. They are also listed in a div called "cxsLanguages" in the form that is returned by the API.

If this parameter is not available the value from the application settings is used: Connexys Resource Manager Setup > Application settings > Application form > Default language.

Example code

lang: "nl_NL"
mediaChannelId String

Jobs are published on mediachannel. A published job is called a job advert. A job advert has a start- and an end date. An example of a job advert is a job being published on your own website.

When a candidate applies for a job, the form automatically checks if the job advert has not reached the end date yet. If the job is no longer active on the specified mediachannel, the candidate will see an error message that the job is no longer open.

The default mediachannel is usually your own website. But sometimes you are implementing the form on another website (for example the intranet). In that case you should specify the mediachannel parameter with the ID of that mediachannel. You can find the ID in the Connexys application when you open the mediachannel. The ID is in the URL of the page.

Example code

mediaChannelId: "a0KA00000048jBN"
formId String

The content of forms can be maintained in the Connexys application. For example; in the form object you can specify:

  • which fields are shown on the application form
  • which fields are required to fill in
  • in which order the fields are shown
  • the email templates used to confirm succesful applications
  • To which workflowthe job application will be added
  • If Textkernel parsing is added to the form
  • The title of the application form
  • If a questionnaire is added to the application form
  • If the candidate is asked to self-assess the job requirements
  • If the candidate is asked to self-assess the hard criteria (skills possessed by the candidate)
  • Which hard criteria are shown on the form
  • Which documents must be submitted by the candidate
  • The default text on the thank you page
  • Who will be the owner of new job applications
  • If the form contains a privacy statement
  • and some more less important settings

If you don't specify a formId, the form that is linked to the mediachannel will be applied. You can override this form by specifying another formId.

Example code

formId: "a0eA0000003JmK4"
placeholders true/false

Show the label of the field as placeholder in the field. (default false)

placeholders: true
errorHeader true/false

Show the list of field errors on top of the page after a submit. (default false)

errorHeader: true
textareaRows Integer Determines how many rows a textarea should have.
This amount can be overridden by a field specific amount, the default amount is 8 rows.
textareaRows: 6

Note. To prevent the textarea to be resized horizontally, you may want to use the following CSS style override.

#cxsWrapper textarea {resize: vertical;}
scrollMargin Integer When a field error is found after a submit the page will scroll to that error.
The field and label will normally be place at the very top of the page. For some sites this can be too close to the top of the page. (especially when using position:fixed headers bars).

This option will allow you to put a margin between the top of the page and the field to scroll to.
The amount is the number of pixels from the top of the screen.

     scrollMargin: 25
reset true/false

This forces the initialisation of the form to destroy all current fields on the form. (default false)

This is useful when switching from an application form to a questionnaire form.

reset: true
spinnerImg URL
This is an override on the spinner image shown while waiting for a file upload or a submit of the form.
Default is

Best use a image that is hosted under HTTPS.

spinnerImg: ""
accessKey   To allow a candidate to update his information, an accessKey is required for security reasons.
Accesskey is always used in combination with a candidateId.

accessKey: 'cbPtc6Eu1kRRd',
candidateId: "a0C2400000R2R5E"
jobAppId String When using the Form to update a candidate, a jobApplication Id can be added optionally.
This allows the candidate to update information for that jobapplication too.
Obviously is this only allowed for jobapplications made by that candidate.
jobAppId: "a0g240000040HEd",
accessKey: 'cbPtc6Eu1kRRd',
candidateId: "a0C2400000R2R5E"
candidateId String

To allow a candidate to update his information, a candidateId is required for security reasons.
CandidateId is always used in combination with an accesskey .


accessKey: 'cbPtc6Eu1kRRd',
candidateId: "a0C2400000R2R5E"
googleMapsApiKey String

To access the Google Maps Javascript API, a Google maps api key is required.

googleMapsApiKey: "AIbeSyAyr2OsHgCHQwlsKZHvQQXbRW0db63BRE1"




Passing analytics information to the Connexys application

Usually some analytics tool like Google Analytics is active on the website. It is wise to pass visitor information from the analytics tool on to the Connexys application. This information will be stored in the job application object. And if you do so, this is of great value for reporting purposes.

The following parameters can be passed on to the Connexys application. They will have no effect on the way the form is shown, but they will be stored with the created jobapplications.

More information on the UTM parameters can be found here.

Option Type Explanation
referer String

Example code

referer: ""
visitorId String

Example code

visitorId: "123456789"
UTM_Campaign String

Example code

UTM_Campaign: "Banner XYZ"
UTM_Content String

Example code

UTM_Medium String

Example code

UTM_Medium: "social"
UTM_Source String

Example code

UTM_Source: "facebook"
UTM_Term String

Example code

UTM_Term: "job java developer"



Using URL parameters

Instead of setting a parameter in the javascript init function you can also set them as a URL parameter.
When the same parameter is set in both URL and javascript init function, the javascript init parameter is used.

For example:

The following parameters can be set in the URL.



Adding your own javascript logic to the form

We allow you to add your own javascript functions to some events that can happen on the form. It works with callback parameters. These parameters refer to a custom javascript function on your page. These functions can be used to perform changes to the HTML of the page, giving you more control over what is happening on the page.

You can add callback functions to the following events:

Option Format Explanation
onInit function(Boolean firstTime)

This callback function is called each time the form is rendered or rerendered.

The function will be called with 1 parameter:

  • Boolean : true if this is the first time the form is rendered, otherwise false.

Example code

onInit: MyInit
onLanguageSwitch function(String languageCode)

Triggers just before the form language is switched. (the onInit will trigger once the form is rerendered in the new language).

The function will be called with 1 parameter:

  • String : Code of the new language (see above for the format of the language codes)

Example code

onLanguageSwitch: MyLanguageSwitch
onFileUpload Function(String status, String fieldey, Boolean textkernelUpload)

Triggers when a file is uploaded
The function will be called with 3 parameters:

  • String : Status of the file upload This is one of 3 possible values:
wait : The request has been send to the server, awaiting response.

error : The request has been given an error response.
ok :The request has been given an success response.

  • String : fieldKey . For instance cxsrec__cxscandidate__c.last_cv__c
  • Boolean : true if it is was a textkernel file upload, otherwise false.

Example code

onFileUpload: MyFileUpload
NOTE: The fieldkey is created by combining <object name>.<field name> in lowercase.
onBeforeSubmit Function(JsonString formData) Triggers just before the form is submitted to the server.
The function will be called with 1 parameter:
  • JsonString : The form data that will be submitted to the server.

Example code

onBeforeSubmit : MyBeforeSubmit
onAfterSubmit Function(Boolean succesful, JsonString) Triggers when the server has responded to the form submit. The function will be called with 2 parameters:
  • Boolean : true if the submit was successfully saved, otherwise false.
  • JsonString : The format of this json string depends on the result. In case of success the json will contain candidateId, jobId, eventId, formId, mediaChannelId, questionnaireId, applicationId.

The server can return either "error" in the case of required field not being available, or "errors" in the case that a server error is triggered while saving to salesforce (for instance caused by custom field checks on the server).
{ "error": "<errorLabel>", "fields": ["<field Key>"]}

{ "errors":[{"statusCode":"<error code>","message":"<error message>","fields":["<field name>"]}],"objectName":"<object name>"}

Example code

onAfterSubmit : MyAfterSubmit

NOTE: If your custom function return false the normal error and success handling won't be executed. (In case of success this can be used to not show a thank you message on the page but do a redirect to another page instead.).

onAfterValidation Function(json fieldInfo, languageCode)

This function will be triggered each time a field is validated. It allows you to add additional field checks to your fields.
The function will be called with 2 parameters:
fieldInfo : A json containing all the information about the current field (read only)
String : The language code of the active language.

Return null or a String containing an error message.

Example code

onAfterValidation: myFieldValidator

Example function

function myFieldValidator(fieldInfo,language) {
if(fieldInfo.key == 'cxsrec__cxscandidate__c.cxsrec__date_of_birth__c') {
var birthDate = new Date(fieldInfo.value);
var beforeDate = new Date('1940-1-1');
if(birthDate < beforeDate ) {
if(language == 'nl_NL') {
return 'De aangegeven datum ligt te ver in het verleden.';
else {
return 'The entered birthday is far in the past for this job.';
return null;

The above example will add an extra fieldvalidation on date of birth.


Available functions for use in custom javascript code.

When referring a field these function can use either a field ID or a field Key.
The field ID's are calculated on runtime and can change when for instance a field is added to the form.
To consistently reference a field it is best to use the field key.
The field key is of the format: <ObjectName>.<FieldName> (in lowercase).

Please do not use the ID's on the form in custom function code, as these ID's may change when a field is added/removed.

NOTE: Only the following functions are supported.

Option Format Explanation

Calling this function will force a validation of all fields on the page followed by a post of the form to the server. If errorHeader is enabled it will show a list of all errors on the page.

function myCustomFunction() {;

switchLanguage() languageCode

Force the page to switch to a new language. This function accepts the language codes defined in the Connexys settings.

In most cases a subset of the following language codes is supported:

  • de (German)
  • nl_NL (Dutch)
  • fr (French)
  • en_US (English)
  • sk (Slovak)
  • pl (Polish)

function myCustomFunction() {


getLanguage()   Returns the languageCode of the currently active language.

function myCustomFunction() {
next()   This function allows you to go to the next page in the form. This currently only used when having placed Textkernel on a seperate page.

function myCustomFunction() {;
getFieldKeyList()   return an array fieldkeys of all the fields on the form.

function myCustomFunction() {
getFieldData() fieldKey Use a field key to retrieve all the data of the field.
Some to the returned attributes are:
id (integer)
error (boolean)
errorCode (String)
errorMessage (String)
type (String)
name (String)
readOnly (String)

function myCustomFunction() { cxsForm.getFieldData('cxsrec__cxscandidate__c.cxsrec__date_of_birth__c');
setFieldValue() fieldKey,value This function allows you to set the value of the given field.
The field will immediately be checked for errors too just as with cxsForm.checkField(fieldKey)

To use this function with a file the value parameter should be an url.
Date values must always be in the format yyyy-mm-dd

function myCustomFunction({


Fileupload and how to style them.
The fileupload buttons on the form are actually small iframes used to send files to server. Javascript filereaders are not used to remain compatible with older browsers.

Using the small CSS example below allows you to style the span.cxsFileUpload as a button.

span.cxsFileUpload {
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
iFrame.cxsFileUploadFrame {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";
filter: alpha(opacity=0);
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;

Or use the full CSS example in the cxsFormStyle.


Using a location prefill field

In the form, you can use a geolocation field als shown in the image below.

The field can be added to the form, by placing a field called "Geolocation" to your forms candidate fieldset. It will try to prefill the 'cxsrec__Address_line_1__c' (with street and house number), cxsrec__Town_city__c, cxsrec__Postcode__c and cxsrec__Country__c.
It will only prefill fields which are actually on the form, but the fields may be hidden using CSS in the page on which the form is.


  • The geolocation field can also be used in an update situation.
  • When the geolocation has to be calculated automatically, but the autocomplete field is not part of the form. But the geolocation field should be in the fieldset and hidden with CSS. Make sure as many of the following address fields are in the fieldset (and feel free to change their labels in the translation workbench):
    • Address line 1
    • Town / City
    • Zipcode
    • Country
    • And of course the hidden geolocation

Full Application form example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<title>CXSappy Test page</title>
<div id="cxsFormHolder">
<script>document.write('<img src=""/>');</script>
<noscript><br/>Javascript is required to show this form, please enable javascript or lower your security settings and try again.</noscript>

mediaChannelId :"a0q24000000CdLY",
onAfterValidation :myFieldValidator,
UTM_Campaign:"UTM_Campaign test",
UTM_Content:"UTM_Content test",
UTM_Medium:"UTM_Medium test",
UTM_Source:"UTM_Source test",
UTM_Term:"UTM_Term test",
visitorId:"visitorId test",
referer:"referer test",

function myInit(firstTime) {

function switchLang(newLanguage) {
console.log('switching to language:',newLanguage);

function myFieldValidator(fieldInfo,language) {
// example extra date validations on date of birth
if(fieldInfo.key == 'cxscandidate__c.date_of_birth__c') {
if(fieldInfo.error == false && fieldInfo.value && fieldInfo.value != '') {

var isoDate = new Date(fieldInfo.value);

var currentDate = new Date();
if(isoDate > currentDate ) {
switch(language) {
case 'nl_NL':
case 'nl': return 'Deze datum ligt in de toekomst.';
default: return 'This date is in the future.';

var newestDate = new Date();
newestDate .setYear(newestDate.getFullYear()-18);
if(isoDate > newestDate) {
switch(language) {
case 'nl_NL':
case 'nl': return 'Deze datum is te recent.';
default: return 'This date is too recent.';

var oldestDate = new Date();
if(isoDate < oldestDate) {
switch(language) {
case 'nl_NL':
case 'nl': return 'Deze datum is te ver in het verleden.';
default: return 'This date is too far in the past.';
return null;

function myDoneFunction(isSuccess, results) {
if(isSuccess) {
//document.location = '';
console.log(' SUCCESS !!!!');

function myFileUpload(status,fieldKey,isTextKernel) {



  • Do not enable referer hiding on the customer's web server, since the referer is necessary in order to check whether the form is actually used by a website of the customer. When referer hiding is enabled it throws an error on the application form and applying is not possible.


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