If you publish a Job to a Job board via Broadbean the Job description is normally posted on this particular Job board. Besides this Job description, the URL of the apply form is also send along and posted(normally as an apply button) on the page of the Job description on the job board.
This is the way the vast majority of publishing jobs works via Broadbean.
Then we have posting via 'LinkedIn Social Network' of Broadbean. This works different.
The way of posting a Job on the 'LinkedIn Social Network' is posting a link on LinkedIn, without a (landing) page with the Job description. This mains that (a shot introduction text and) the apply link is published.
To post via Broadbean on Linkedin Social network you can change the URL by logging into Broadbean directly and then going to the "View Vacancy" page of the advert.
You can navigate to this page by:
1. Logging in as superadmin
2. Going to "Manage Adverts"
3. Click on advert title
4. Change URL in the corresponding field
5. All done!