Make Hard Criteria Mandatory


Hard criteria can be made mandatory on either the Application form or the Wizard.

Application Form

The hard criteria you want to make mandatory first must be visible on the form.

  1. Go to Connexys Setup > Hard Criterion, find the specific hard criterion, and tick the box for the field "Show on Application Form?"

    The hard criteria that are visible on the application form can be made mandatory.
  2. To do so, go to the form you choose and scroll down to the header "Hard Criteria Usages". If this is not on the layout edit the layout and drag the related List "Hard Criterion Usages" to the layout of the hard criterion page.
  3. Select "Edit" for every hard criterion usage number and for every type you would like to make mandatory and check the box for the field "Mandatory on form" on the screen that appears. If this field is not visible, add this to the layout first.
  4. Choose "Save" and that hard criterion is now mandatory on the application form.


Hard criteria can be made mandatory on the Candidate and Job Wizard. The field "Job wizard: page layout" is only available for Bullhorn Support. Please contact Bullhorn Support to have this edited.

  1. Go to Connexys Setup > Application Settings
  2. Select All Settings in the left sidebar and select Candidate Wizard or Job Wizard.
  3. In the field "Candidate wizard: page layout" or "Job wizard: page layout" add the following text while replacing the bolded parts for the actual labels/numbers:
    criteria[record type](Hard Criteria*).header8
    The hard criteria name within the Job Wizard page layout is case-sensitive, the mandatory flags are not applied when the case does not match.
    The record type is not required if this applies to all record types; you may specify for which record types and assigned page layout it applies. If these hard criteria apply to more record types separate them by a comma.
    Specify which hard criteria should be shown on the page layout. Separate multiple hard criteria by a comma. If a hard criterion should be mandatory add an asterisk to it.
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