The Connexys Recruitment App is built on the platform of Salesforce. From this platform standard web services are available to retrieve the data from the Salesforce environment and to use in other applications.
Find more information about the Salesforce web services, including extended instructions and explanations at: Salesforce: SOAP API Developer's Guide
The Partner WSDL type which is needed to be used in combination with the Connexys Recruitment app is the Enterprise Web Services WSDL.
Besides the generic web service from above, with which as good as all objects and fields can be retrieved, are the next Connexys web services available within the platform:
- cxsPositionWebservice : retrieve Job info from Connexys
- cxsContactWebservice : retrieve Contact info from Connexys
- cxsEventWebservice : retrieve Event info from Connexys
Consulting the web services / WSDL regarding to content is possible from the moment the Salesforce environment (database) is activated and a logon account is provided. Since during implementation/arrangement of the Connexys Recruitment app there sometimes are arranged specific fields and/or processes, in general it is advised to start the implementation of the connections via the web services after finishing the implementation of the application. For only from that moment on, the exact fields and content are known.
Technical Realisation
Which web services are available?
cxsPositionWebservice |
This web service can retrieve the jobs which need to be shown on a (specified) media channel. |
cxsContactWebservice |
This web service can retrieve the data of recruiters and/or hiring managers which need to be showed on the web site. |
cxsEventWebservice |
This web service can retrieve the events which need to be showed on a (specified) media channel. |
To use the web services, a session-id is necessary.
For this, the following is required:
- Username
- Password
- Security-token
It is important to create a separate user profile for this, plus make sure in the settings that the password will never expire. Without this, the password will expire periodically, which causes to fail the access of the web service, and the specified data cannot be retrieved. Then within the CMS/admin one needs to (re)set the password and security-token again periodically. Also make sure that the user Language is set to “Dutch”, since in this language the picklist values are retrieved.
Next, with the session-id, the jobs that need to be showed can be retrieved.
To retrieve the jobs which need to be showed on the Intranet, fill in the parameter “mediaChannel” with the value “Internet”.
To retrieve the jobs which need to be shown on the Intranet, fill in the parameter “mediaChannel” with the value “Intranet”.
As a result, an XML file will be received with the jobs which need to be shown at that moment on the specified media channel.
Content of the XML file
Most used elements
Name of the element |
Explanation |
name |
Name of the job |
subTitle |
Sub title of the job |
accountName |
Name of the business unit |
applicationUrl |
Address of the application form. This form needs to be loaded within an iframe (or div) on the web site. Candidates will be able to apply via this form. |
companyInformation |
Content of the field “companyInformation” of the ad text of the job |
jobDescription |
Content of the field “jobDescription” of the ad text of the job. |
jobRequirements |
Content of the field “job Requirements” of the ad text of the job. |
compensationBenefits |
Content of the field “compensationBenefits” of the ad text of the job. |
contactInfo |
Content of the field “contactInfo” of the ad tekst of the job. |
criteria |
This element contains all hard criteria which are linked to the job. Examples of hard criteria are: - Discipline - Education - Salary level - Hours per week |
featuredJob |
This field handles whether a job is marked as a “Featured Job”. With this, often the content of a short list of featured jobs on the home page is filled in. |
hoursPerWeek |
Content of the field “hoursPerWeek” |
jobLocationZipCode |
Zip Code of the job. Especially to be used when a google map needs to be shown on a job |
keywords |
This field contains the “keywords” which the recruiter searched for in the database. This can be used well to fill in meta-tags. |
location |
Content of the field “Location” |
recruiter |
This field contains the ID of the recruiter. Extended data of the recruiter are in the cxsContactwebservice. |
salary |
This field contains the composite string “Minimum salary – Maximum salary / Salary period”. |
Less frequently used elements
Name of the element |
Explanation |
accountDescription |
The chosen business unit on the job has a field “Account Description”. This field contains the content of that field. |
competences |
This element contains all competences that are linked to the job. |
contractType |
The content of the filed “Contract Type” |
country |
The content of the field “Country” |
customFields |
This element contains all the for this client made custom fields. |
durationNumberOfUnit |
The content of the field “Duration (number of units) |
durationProlongationOptional |
The content of the field “Duration Possible?” |
durationUnit |
The content of the field “Duration (unit)” |
endDate |
The content of the field “End Date” that is entered for the Advert. Please note that the job will disappear from the results if this date is reached. |
hiringManager |
This field contains the ID of the hiring manager. Extended data of the hiring manager are found in the cxsContactWEbservice |
id |
Id of the job |
jobEndDate |
The content of the field “End date of the job”. Does not relate to publishing dates. Used to indicate when the last working day would be on this job. |
jobStartDate |
The content of the field “Start date of the job”. Does not relate to publishing dates. Used to indicate when the first working day would be on this job. |
jobType |
The content of the field “Job Type” |
positionUrl |
The content of the field “URL of the job” |
salaryMaximum |
The content of the field “Maximum Salary” |
salaryMinimum |
The content of the field “Minimum Salary” |
salaryPeriod |
The content of the field “Salary Period” |
startDate |
The content of the field “Start Date” that is entered for the Advert. Please note that the job will appear in the results if this date is reached. |
Saving the document
The document needs to be saved at the receiving end in a database. The web site has to retrieve its data from this database.
Since only the on that particular moment to be shown jobs are in the XML, the following actions are necessary:
- Adding the new jobs to the database
- Updating the already present jobs.
- Deleting the jobs which are not available anymore in the XML file.
Building the web site
The following needs to be taken in account:
- Use the Connexys Application Form.
- In the application (CXS) it is also needed to be able to send jobs to candidates. To make this possible, an agreement needs to be made regarding the URL of the job on the own web site. Preferably we use the following convention: "www.clientname.TLD/jobs/job/jobtitle/city/ID"
For this, the symbols in the fields “Job Title” and “City” which are not allowed / desirable in the URL are to be exchanged with the “-“ symbol. It is about the following symbols:
$ |
: |
; |
= |
^ |
~ |
[ |
] |
+ |
, |
& |
/ |
? |
| |
` |
space |
‘ |
{ |
} |
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