The fields that are available may not be enough for your recruitment process. If this is the case, there is the possibility to create custom fields that can be added to the object of your choosing.
In this article the creation of a custom checkbox field on the Candidate object will be explained. There are obviously a lot more field types that can be created, on all available objects. Please note that only System Administrators are able to create custom fields. Also, depending on your setup, some fields or field definitions may differ.
Step 1: After you've decided on which object the custom field should be created, go to Setup on the top right side of your screen.
Step 2: You then see a menu on the left hand side of your screen. Click on Create (which can be found under Build) and then click on Objects.
Step 3: Here you click on the name of the previous chosen object. In this guide the object Candidate will be used as an example.
Step 4: Go to Custom Fields & Relationships and click 'New'
Step 5: For this example a custom checkbox field will be created, so choose Checkbox and click 'Next'. The following screen appears
Besides Checkbox you can choose from several different types of Fields, see here the options and descriptions.
Step 6: Fill out the mandatory fields (marked with red). Field Label is the name of the field, after you fill this out, the Field Name will be filled automatically.
[!] It is important that you recognizably prefix each new Field Name (and Field Set Name) with the same prefix.
Format: company name abbreviation, plus one underscore. For example: "xyz_" as in xyz_[FIELD_NAME].
Choose the deafult value; do you want the field to be checked or unchecked on default?
It's possible to enter a Help text to explain to users what the field stand for. When you are done, click on 'Next'.
Step 7: Decide which profiles are allowed to see the custom field. It is also possible to make the field visible, but read-only for certain profiles. Then click on 'Next'.
Step 8: Decide on which page layouts the custom field should be included and then click 'Save'.
Step 9: The custom field has now been created and added to the Candidate page. It is possible to change the placement of the field on the page. To do so, go to a random existing candidate, click on 'Edit' and open the menu on the right side of the screen
Step 10: Click on 'Edit layout' and look up the field, either using 'Quick find' or scrolling until you find it. When you have found the field, you can drag this to another section, column and/or line. Click 'Save' when you are done.
This is also how you can remove or add fields to a page layout.
You can read more about creating custom fields on the Salesforce Success Community.