How do I enable the receiving email service?


We have developed an e-mail service which listens to certain "bcc" email addresses.

This service links the send email as an activity to both candidates and contacts which have an email address matching to the "to" email address of this email.

Note that the email address in the "to" should be available as an existing candidate or contact. 

Configuring this service is rather straight forward.
Login as admin user and go to "Setup --> Develop --> Email Services" and click "New Email Service". In the form enter as "Email Service Name" and "Apex Class" the value "cxsEmailService". Submit the form with all other options as default and click "Save and New Email Address".

Default this form will be filled with the current user. Modify when required and "Save" or "Save and New".

After you are done with creating users, you can view the Email Addresses to use as "bcc" in emails to customers in the Email Service screen, as is shown in the image above.

Tip! Advice your users to create a contact person for the email address, with a name that is easy to remember.

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