How do I grant login access to Bullhorn Support?


Bullhorn Support may ask you to grant login access to assist you with a question, issue, or request.

Granting login access allows Bullhorn Support to log into the application using your login. You must grant access to them and specify a duration for that access.

During the effective access period, they will be able to use your login and access your org to help you resolve any problems. 


To grant login access, please take the following steps (Refer to the image below for visual instructions): 

  1. Click on View Profile in the top right corner (Profile icon).
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. In the My Personal Information section, choose Grant Account Login Access.
  4. Set the Access Duration for Connexys Support.
    NB. Usually, one week will suffice. If only one of these options is visible, just set the expiration date for the one that is available.
  5. Click Save.

NB. If we requested this, please update us after you have done so.

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