Every facet is searchable. To directly search within a facet you can enter the Field name that corresponds with the facet. In this article all facets are named, together with the Field Name that goes with is.
We have drawn up tables for the four language that we support:
Facet to Field Name mapping for English
Facet |
Field Name |
Search configuration name |
Indexing Field name |
Applied for account |
account |
account |
n/a |
Annual income |
annualincome |
Career level |
careerlevel_en |
careerlevel |
Certificates |
certificaten_en |
Commissioner |
commissioner |
Computer skills |
compskills |
Contract type |
contracttype_en |
Custom search date 1 |
customsearchdate01 |
Custom search date 2 |
customsearchdate02 |
Custom search date 3 |
customsearchdate03 |
Custom search field 1 |
customsearchfield01_en |
Custom search field 2 |
customsearchfield02_en |
Custom search field 3 |
customsearchfield03_en |
Custom search field 4 |
customsearchfield04_en |
Custom search field 5 |
customsearchfield05_en |
Custom search number 1 |
customsearchnumber01 |
Custom search number 2 |
customsearchnumber02 |
Custom search number 3 |
customsearchnumber03 |
Age |
dateofbirth |
Driver's licence |
driverslic_en |
Education levels |
educationlevel |
Education subjects |
educationsubject |
Experience organization |
employer |
Experience organization revenue |
experienceorganizationrevenue_en |
Experience organization size |
experienceorganizationsize_en |
Experience organization type |
experienceorganizationtype_en |
Functional practice |
functionalpractice_en |
Previous functional practice |
functionalpractice_prev_en |
Potential functional practice |
functionalpractice_pot_en |
Gender |
gender_en |
Desired function |
gewenstefunctie_en |
Hours per week |
hoursperweek |
Industry |
industry_en |
Interim |
interim |
Experience in country/regions |
internationalexperience_en |
Applied for jobname |
jobname |
Experience with position |
jobtitle |
Languages |
langskills |
langskills | LANGUAGESKILL |
Last application account name |
lastapplicationaccount |
Last application date |
lastapplicationdate |
Last application job name |
lastapplicationjobname |
Last application status |
lastapplicationstatus_en |
Last education level |
lasteducationlevel_en |
Last education subject |
lasteducationsubject |
Current employername |
lastemployer |
Start date current position |
lastjobstartdate |
Last job title |
lastjobtitle |
Nationality |
nationality_en |
City |
postalcode |
Preferred regions |
preferedregion_en |
Ranking |
ranking_en |
Candidate recordtype |
recordtype_en |
Specialization |
specialisme_en |
Specialisme |
Student |
student |
Student recruiter |
studentrecruiter |
Talentpool |
talentpool_en |
Years of experience |
totalexperienceyears |
Expected graduation year |
verwachtdiplomajaar_en |
Facet to Field Name mapping for Dutch
Facet |
Field Name |
Gesolliciteerd bij organisatie |
account |
Jaarinkomen |
annualincome |
Carrièreniveau |
careerlevel_nl |
Certificaten |
certificaten_nl |
Commissioner |
commissioner |
Computerkennis |
compskills |
Contracttype |
contracttype_nl |
Extra zoekdatum 1 |
customsearchdate01 |
Extra zoekdatum 2 |
customsearchdate02 |
Extra zoekdatum 3 |
customsearchdate03 |
Extra zoekveld 1 |
customsearchfield01_nl |
Extra zoekveld 2 |
customsearchfield02_nl |
Extra zoekveld 3 |
customsearchfield03_nl |
Extra zoekveld 4 |
customsearchfield04_nl |
Extra zoekveld 5 |
customsearchfield05_nl |
Extra zoeknummer 1 |
customsearchnumber01 |
Extra zoeknummer 2 |
customsearchnumber02 |
Extra zoeknummer 3 |
customsearchnumber03 |
Leeftijd |
dateofbirth |
Rijbewijs |
driverslic_nl |
Opleidingsniveaus |
educationlevel |
Opleidingsrichtingen |
educationsubject |
Ervaring bij organisatie |
employer |
Ervaring organisatie omzet |
experienceorganizationrevenue_nl |
Ervaring organisatiegrootte |
experienceorganizationsize_nl |
Ervaring organisatietype |
experienceorganizationtype_nl |
Functiegebied |
functionalpractice_nl |
Voormalig functiegebied |
functionalpractice_prev_nl |
Potentiele functiegebied |
functionalpractice_pot_nl |
Geslacht |
gender_nl |
Gewenste functie |
gewenstefunctie_nl |
Uren per week |
hoursperweek |
Sector |
industry_nl |
Interim |
interim |
Ervaring in landen/regios |
internationalexperience_nl |
Gesolliciteerd op functie |
jobname |
Ervaring met functie |
jobtitle |
Talen |
langskills |
Organisatie laatste sollicitatie |
lastapplicationaccount |
Laatste sollicitatiedatum |
lastapplicationdate |
Functienaam laatste sollicitatie |
lastapplicationjobname |
Status laatste sollicitatie |
lastapplicationstatus_nl |
Laatst genoten opleidingsniveau |
lasteducationlevel_nl |
Laatst genoten opleidingsrichting |
lasteducationsubject |
Laatste werkgever |
lastemployer |
Startdatum laatste functie |
lastjobstartdate |
Laatste functie |
lastjobtitle |
Nationaliteit |
nationality_nl |
Woonplaats |
postalcode |
Gewenste regios |
preferedregion_nl |
Ranking |
ranking_nl |
Kandidaat recordtype |
recordtype_nl |
Specialisme |
specialisme_nl |
Student |
student |
Studentrecruiter |
studentrecruiter |
Talentpool |
talentpool_nl |
Jaren ervaring |
totalexperienceyears |
Verwacht diplomajaar |
verwachtdiplomajaar_nl |
Facet to Field Name mapping for French
Facet |
Field Name |
A postulé auprès de l'entreprise |
account |
Revenus annuels |
annualincome |
Niveau de carrière |
careerlevel_fr |
Certificats |
certificaten_fr |
Responsable |
commissioner |
Compétences informatiques |
compskills |
Type de contrat |
contracttype_fr |
Date de recherche personnalisée 1 |
customsearchdate01 |
Date de recherche personnalisée 2 |
customsearchdate02 |
Date de recherche personnalisée 3 |
customsearchdate03 |
Champ de recherche personnalisée 1 |
customsearchfield01_fr |
Champ de recherche personnalisée 2 |
customsearchfield02_fr |
Champ de recherche personnalisée 3 |
customsearchfield03_fr |
Champ de recherche personnalisée 4 |
customsearchfield04_fr |
Champ de recherche personnalisée 5 |
customsearchfield05_fr |
Numéro de recherche personnalisée 1 |
customsearchnumber01 |
Numéro de recherche personnalisée 2 |
customsearchnumber02 |
Numéro de recherche personnalisée 3 |
customsearchnumber03 |
Âge |
dateofbirth |
Permis de conduire |
driverslic_fr |
Niveaux de formation |
educationlevel |
Domaines de formation |
educationsubject |
Expérience dans l'organisation |
employer |
Expérience dans l'organisation chiffre d'affaires |
experienceorganizationrevenue_fr |
Expérience dans l'organisation taille |
experienceorganizationsize_fr |
Expérience dans l'organisation type |
experienceorganizationtype_fr |
Exercice de la fonction |
functionalpractice_fr |
Pratique fonctionnelle précédente |
functionalpractice_prev_fr |
Pratique fonctionnelle potentiel |
functionalpractice_pot_fr |
Sexe |
gender_fr |
Fonction souhaitée |
gewenstefunctie_fr |
Heures hebdomadaires |
hoursperweek |
Secteur |
industry_fr |
Intérimaire |
interim |
Expérience dans le pays/les régions |
internationalexperience_fr |
A postulé au poste |
jobname |
Expérience dans le poste |
jobtitle |
Langues |
langskills |
Nom de la dernière entreprise sollicitée |
lastapplicationaccount |
Date de la dernière candidature |
lastapplicationdate |
Titre de la dernière offre d'emploi poursuivie |
lastapplicationjobname |
Statut de la dernière candidature |
lastapplicationstatus_fr |
Dernier niveau de formation atteint |
lasteducationlevel_fr |
Dernier domaine de formation |
lasteducationsubject |
Nom de l'employeur actuel |
lastemployer |
Date de début du poste actuel |
lastjobstartdate |
Dénomination du dernier poste |
lastjobtitle |
Nationalité |
nationality_fr |
Ville |
postalcode |
Régions privilégiées |
preferedregion_fr |
Classement |
ranking_fr |
Type d'enregistrement du fichier du candidat |
recordtype_fr |
Spécialisation |
specialisme_fr |
Étudiant |
student |
Recruteur d'étudiants |
studentrecruiter |
Groupe de talents |
talentpool_fr |
Nombre d’années d’expériences |
totalexperienceyears |
Dernière année d'études prévue |
verwachtdiplomajaar_fr |
Facet to Field Name mapping for German
Facet |
Field Name |
Beworben beim Organisation |
account |
Jahreseinkommen |
annualincome |
Karrierestufe |
careerlevel_de |
Bescheinigungen |
certificaten_de |
Beauftragter |
commissioner |
Computerkenntnisse |
compskills |
Vertragsart |
contracttype_de |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchdatum 1 |
customsearchdate01 |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchdatum 2 |
customsearchdate02 |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchdatum 3 |
customsearchdate03 |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchfeld 1 |
customsearchfield01_de |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchfeld 2 |
customsearchfield02_de |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchfeld 3 |
customsearchfield03_de |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchfeld 4 |
customsearchfield04_de |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchfeld 5 |
customsearchfield05_de |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchnummer 1 |
customsearchnumber01 |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchnummer 2 |
customsearchnumber02 |
Benutzerdefiniertes Suchnummer 3 |
customsearchnumber03 |
Alter |
dateofbirth |
Führerschein |
driverslic_de |
Bildungsgrade |
educationlevel |
Ausbildungsthemen |
educationsubject |
Erfahrung beim Organisation |
employer |
Erfahrung Organisations Einkommen |
experienceorganizationrevenue_de |
Erfahrung Organisationsgröße |
experienceorganizationsize_de |
Erfahrung Organisationstype |
experienceorganizationtype_de |
Funktionsausübung |
functionalpractice_de |
Vorhergehende Funktionsausübung |
functionalpractice_prev_de |
Potenzielle Funktionsausübung |
functionalpractice_pot_de |
Geschlecht |
gender_de |
Gewünschte Funktion |
gewenstefunctie_de |
Stunden pro Woche |
hoursperweek |
Sektor |
industry_de |
Interim |
interim |
Erfahrung in Länder/Regionen |
internationalexperience_de |
Beworben für Funktion |
jobname |
Erfahrung mit Funktion |
jobtitle |
Sprachen |
langskills |
Kontoname letzte Bewerbung |
lastapplicationaccount |
Letzte Bewerbungsdatum |
lastapplicationdate |
Berufstitel letzte Bewerbung |
lastapplicationjobname |
Status letzte Bewerbung |
lastapplicationstatus_de |
Aktuellste Bildungsgrad |
lasteducationlevel_de |
Aktuellste Ausbildungsthema |
lasteducationsubject |
Name aktuelle Arbeitgeber |
lastemployer |
Startdatum aktuelle Funktion |
lastjobstartdate |
Name letzte Berufstitel |
lastjobtitle |
Nationalität |
nationality_de |
Wohnort |
postalcode |
Gewünschte Regionen |
preferedregion_de |
Klassifizierung |
ranking_de |
Anmeldungstype vom Bewerber |
recordtype_de |
Spezialgebiet |
specialisme_de |
Student(in) |
student |
Studentenanwerber |
studentrecruiter |
Talentschmiede |
talentpool_de |
Jahre Erfahrung |
totalexperienceyears |
Erwartete Graduierungsjahrgang |
verwachtdiplomajaar_de |