Campus events


This article shows step by step how to create a new campus event and how this information is displayed on the Campus event detail page.

Create a Campus Event
Campus event Detail

Create a Campus Event

Please note that depending on your setup some fields or field definitions may differ.

A. Select the tab Campus events.

B. In order to create a new campus event, please click the button "New" and this page will open:

C. Fill in the following fields. All fields that are marked red are mandatory:

Campus event details

  • Campus event name
  • Type: Select a campus event type from the drop down menu
  • Start date: Start date for the campus event
  • End date: End date for the campus event
  • Assistant: Select an assistant. This can be achieved by either entering the name or looking up the correct name using the  button
  • Recruiter: Select a recruiter. This can be achieved by either entering the name or looking up the correct name.
  • External campus event name: This is the name of the campus event as it will be published externally. Leave blank if you want it to be the same as the internal Campus event name.

Organisation & contacts

  • Organized by: Select a value from the drop down menu
  • University: Select a university. This can be achieved by either entering the name or looking up the correct name. 
  • Location: Location of where the campus event is held
  • Contact name: Contact name of the university 
  • Contact phone number: The contact phone number of the university 
  • Contact e-mail address: Contact e-mail address of the university 


  • Actual number of participants
  • Evaluation score
  • Evaluation memo: For any additional information regarding the evaluation

Campus event description

  • Subtitle: This usually will be displayed on the site
  • Campus event description: This description will also be displayed on your website
  • Requirements: The requirements that will be displayed on your website

Own media channels

  • Internet: If checked it the campus event is published on your company’s website
  • Internet start date: When the campus event is published on your website
  • Internet end date: When the campus event should no longer be published on your website
  • Intranet: If checked the campus event is published on your company’s intranet
  • Intranet start date
  • Intranet end date


  • Memo: Memo can be used to add any additional information relevant to the campus event

D. After all the details are entered, please select "Save" to save and exit or "Save & New" to save and create a new Campus Event.

URL of Campus event on company website 
When a Campus event is opened, the file provides an option to open that specific campus event on the website of the organisation ("View event on own site"). Since every organisation that uses this application, has a different website, the application makes use of a formula field that determines the first part of the URL. In this way, the link shows the campus event on the company website, instead of in a random page. In this field, the "API Name" of the formula field has to be entered, in order to have the link to the website working correctly. This formula field can be found by going to the "Campus event"-object in "Setup" --> "Build" --> "Create" --> "Objects" and need to be filled in at the Application settings > All settings > General.

Campus event Detail

When you have created a new Campus event you will be redirected to the Campus event Detail page. Here you can see the information you have just entered in the wizard. It is possible to edit or correct this information here.


On this page you can add applicants to your event, and see the application records of Candidates who already have applied. For recruiting new Candidates for the event, you have on this page the option to mail an event to a friend.

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