A form is a page that contains the fields (e.g. name, address, CV, letter) to make a first review of the candidate (in case of an application form), or for updating the candidate file (in case of a request update form).
Furthermore, the user can decide which "Email templates", "Workflow" or "Confirmation text" should be linked, after an open or job application. The steps below explain how all of this should be configured.
Create a new Form
- Go to the tab "Connexys Resource Manager Setup"
- In the "Advanced setup" section, "Forms" can be found. Click on it.
- At the top-left, click the button "New Form".
More information about how to edit the layout of this page can be found here.
In the field "Form name" the name of the form should be given. The name will only be used as a reference for the user to know which form is connected to which workflow, an application screen or an update screen. There are also options to link a Questionnaire or to show a Show Opt-out for new jobs and newsletters.
HTML before form (often used for Google Analytics code)
This field provides the option to put HTML code at the top of a form. Usually, this is done by organizations on two occasions:
- To add a logo in the header of the form.
- To include Google Analytics on the form. By including the Google Analytics codes, organizations can measure their traffic on the forms and compare that with the numbers for people who visited the "Job" and people who applied for the job.
Form Title (Header shown on top of the application form)
In the case of an open application, there is no name for the job. Therefore, the title normally shows "Open application" as the page title. If this should be different, a custom label name can be provided in this field Open application header. The format of the custom label must be {$label.Open_application_form_header}.
To create a custom label, go to Salesforce Setup > Build > Create > Custom Labels.
Allow candidates to pre-fill the form with Textkernel
The Connexys application provides an opportunity to automatically read a CV and fill in the fields when a Candidate uploads their CV to the form. This is called "Enable CV parsing (Textkernel)" and is a functionality that is generated by our partner Textkernel. Check the checkbox "CV parsing in separate step (Textkernel)" if the CV parsing opportunity needs to be placed, separately, on a page before the actual form, the next page will then show the form with the fields filled in line with the CV. Leave unchecked and the "Upload CV"-option is placed at the top of the form.
Note: this functionality is not standard included and therefore, it is necessary to have a contract with Connexys for the use of it.
Candidate fieldset (first section on form)
To indicate which fields should be shown on a form, a fieldset should be provided in this setting. The API Name of the preferred fieldset can be written in this field.
To configure the fields in the fieldset and make adjustments in the requirement of a field, go to Salesforce setup > Build > Create > Objects > Candidate.
On that page, you'll find a section "Field Sets" in which adjustments to the fieldsets can be made and the API Name can be found. Usually, in this setting fields on demographics are set. The fields "CV" and "Motivation letter" (and other documents) are most of the time set in the setting "Candidate extra fieldset".
Note: when you add newly created fields in a fieldset, you need to enable the permission of this field of the Site user. Go to Salesforce Setup > Develop > Sites > Click on the "Site label" > Click on the button "Public Access Settings" > Go to the section Custom Field-Level Security > Open the relevant Object, look for the created field, and check both checkboxes.
Extra field to ask candidates for the relevant media channel
The form provides the opportunity to include questions when you want to know where the candidate first saw the job (job application), saw the campus event (campus event registration), or learned about the organization (open application). When this checkbox is checked, the form will show the question about the source of the media channel:
- "Where did you first see this job?" in case of a job application
- "Where did you learn about this event?" in case of a campus event registration
- "Where did you learn about us?" in case of an open application
Extra fieldset for fields of job application/candidate object
Besides the fields from the fieldset that is given in the setting "Candidate fieldset", it is possible to add two extra fieldsets to the form. This fieldset can be a fieldset from the "Candidate"-object or the "Job application"-object. These steps will have to be taken:
- -Enter the object in the Extra fieldset type.
- Fill in the API Name of that specific fieldset must be given. It can be found by going to Salesforce Setup > Build > Create > Objects and then deciding between "Candidate" and "Job application".
- To display a header enter a value at the Extra fieldset header label.
- When you add newly created fields in a fieldset, you need to enable the permission of this field of the Site user. Go to Salesforce Setup > Develop > Sites > Click on the "Site label" > Click on the button "Public Access Settings" > Go to the section Custom Field-Level Security > Open the relevant Object, look for the created field, and check both checkboxes.
Pre-screening questions (second section on form)
When this checkbox is checked, the configured pre-screening questions for the job will be shown on the form. Examples of pre-screening questions are "Do you have a minimum of 5 years relevant work experience?" or "Are you willing to work for the pay rate that was indicated in the job description?" Based on the answers of candidates to these questions, a first selection can be made. Read "Job Requirements" for more information.
Hard criteria (third section on the form, types can be configured in the related list)
When the checkbox for this setting is checked, the section on hard criteria will be shown on the form, to use for matching purposes. It is possible to match a candidate with a job based on these hard criteria. To configure these hard criteria, read the article here.
After the form is saved, a section "Hard criteria on form" is available at the bottom of the form. In this section, it is possible to specify which hard criteria should be shown. If no hard criteria are filled in this section and the checkbox is checked, the Connexys application will show all of the hard criteria that are configured in the application.
Education (fourth section on form)
When this setting is checked, the education section will be given on the form. Candidates can be asked, for example: after which education they followed, the school they went to, and in which period. All of this will be saved in the candidate file in the application. What exactly will be shown in the section can be determined in the "Education field set". This setting determines which fields will be shown in the section on education, fields like "School", "Period" and "Graduated?" can be set on the form. The API Name of the fieldset that includes these fields should be provided.
To configure the fieldset, go to Salesforce setup > Build > Create > Objects.
In the list of objects, you'll find the object "Education". In this object, a section "Field Sets (BETA)" is given, in which it is possible to configure the fields that should be shown and which of them need to be required.
Work experiences (fifth section on form)
It is possible to add a similar section on work experiences. In this section, candidates can indicate what work experience they have: like function, at which company that was, and how long they worked there. All of this information will be saved in the candidate file. If this setting is checked, the section will be shown on the form. What fields exactly will be shown in this section, needs to be determined in the setting "Work experiences fieldset". This setting determines which fields will be shown in the section on work experiences. For example, fields like "Job description", "Employer" and "Period" can be set on the form. In this field, the API Name of the fieldset that includes these fields should be provided. To configure the fieldset, go to Salesforce setup > Build > Create > Objects and look for the object "Work experience".
In this object, a section "Field Sets (BETA)" is given, in which it is possible to configure the fields that should be shown and which of them need to be required.
CV and letter (sixth section on form)
In this setting, it is possible to add extra fields to the application form. Usually, this fieldset is used for the fields on documents (e.g. "CV", "Motivation letter"). This setting should be filled with the API Name of the fieldset that includes these fields. To configure this fieldset, go to Salesforce setup > Build > Create > Objects and go to the object "Candidate".
In this object, a section "Field Sets (BETA)" is given, in which it is possible to configure the fields that should be shown and which of them need to be required.
Mobile settings
These settings concern the configuration of the mobile form.
HTML after form (often used for Google Analytics code)
Just like the setting "HTML before (form)", this setting can be used to put HTML code on the form. In this case, the HTML code is used at the bottom of the form. Usually, this is done by organizations in case they want to add a footer to the form or when they want to use Google Analytics. A possible reason for the use of Google Analytics can be to measure how many candidates have clicked "Apply" from the job text and visited the form.
Thank you page HTML before (often used for Google analytics code)
This field is used to put HTML-code on the successful application page. In most cases, this is used for Google Analytics. When Google Analytics is configured on this page and the form page, it is possible to measure the number of potential candidates that have dropped out on the form page (possibly because the application form is too long or difficult). Furthermore, this setting can be used to personalize this page (e.g. logo).
Thank you page header
For Job, Open, campus events and update forms you can add Alternative thanks header. When this fields are left empty, the candidate will receive a message with the header "Thank you for your application!" after submitting the form for the open application. To change this message, there are two possibilities. These possibilities depend on whether the forms are used in multiple languages or not.
- If the header should be given in one language: When the application is only used in one language and candidates do not need to receive a thanks message in their own language (if different from the language that is configured), the header that should be provided can be written out in this field. It isn't necessary to use custom labels in this case.
- If the header should be given in multiple languages: When the header should be provided in line with the language of the applicant and the language of the applicants might differ, it is better to insert a custom label in this field (since it can be translated). To create a custom label, go to:
"Salesforce setup" --> "Build" --> "Create" --> "Custom Labels" --> click "New Custom Label".
After creation, translations can be added to that custom label. The "Name" of the custom label can be inserted in this setting.
Thank you page text (to override default text)
After submitting the form for the job, open, campus event application or update you can add an Alternative thanks text. When this field is left empty, the candidate will receive the message "We will contact you as soon as possible." To change this message, there are two possibilities. These possibilities depend on whether the forms are used in multiple languages or not.
- If the message should be given in one language: When the application is only used in one language and candidates do not need to receive a thanks message in their own language (if different from the language that is configured), the message that should be provided can be written in this field. It isn't necessary to use custom labels in this case.
- If the message should be given in multiple languages: When the header should be provided in line with the language of the applicant and the language of the applicants might differ, it is better to insert a custom label in this field (since it can be translated). To create a custom label, go to:
"Salesforce setup" --> "Build" --> "Create" --> "Custom Labels" and click "New Custom Label".
After creation, translations can be added to that custom label. The "Name" of the custom label can be inserted in this setting.
Confirmation emails (sent to candidate after submitting form)
It is possible to automatically send a confirmation email to the candidate after te application, but also to a linked contact or account. This section provides fields that determine which email a candidate will receive after submitting the form. The emails that must be sent to the candidates need to be configured in advance.
The fields that can be configured in this section are:
- Confirmation email template (job): This field is used to determine which email template should be sent to the candidate after submitting the form in case of a job application. By clicking on the magnifying glass behind the field, a pop-up opens in which you can search for the correct email template.
- Confirmation email template (camp.event): This field is used to determine which email template should be sent to the candidate after submitting the form in case of a campus event registration. By clicking on the magnifying glass behind the field, a pop-up opens in which you can search for the correct email template.
- Confirmation email template (open): This field is used to determine which email template should be sent to the candidate after submitting the form in case of an open application. By clicking on the magnifying glass behind the field, a pop-up opens in which you can search for the correct email template.
- Confirmation email template (update): This field is used to determine which email template should be sent to the candidate after submitting the form in case of an update. By clicking on the magnifying glass behind the field, a pop-up opens in which you can search for the correct email template.
Default values and workflows
In case the form is used for job applications, open applications or campus event registrations, submitting the form is just the start of the process for a candidate. This proces is started with the creation of a new application or registration in the Connexys-application. In the creation of these applications and registrations, it is very important to have a number of settings configured in advance (e.g. ownership, "Workflows"). When this is the case, the new application or registration can directly be followed up by the right person and in a correct manner.
The fields that need to be filled are:
- Default owner of job application: When the form is submitted for a job application, open application or campus event registration, the Connexys-application automatically creates a "Job application". This "Job application" includes details on the candidate, job/campus event, workflow and workflow steps. By default a user is selected as owner of this "Job application". In this field, a choice can be made on who the owner of the "Job application" should be. This could be the "Recruiter" of the job/campus event or the user that is indicated as owner of new "Job applications" in the creation of the "Workflow" that belongs to the job/campus event, which can be selected by the option "Workflow setting".
- New candidate recordtype: A new "Job application" is created right after a candidate submits the form for a job application, open application or campus event registration. When the candidate is already known in the database, the "Job application" will be saved on the existing candidate file. If a candidate is new, a new candidate file will be created for him/her. Each candidate file has a recordtype that indicates what kind of candidate it is. Possible options are External candidate, Student or Employee. The option that will be selected in this field, will be given as recordtype of new candidates after submitting the form.
- Job application workflow: Besides ownership and recordtype, a new "Job application" will also be linked to a workflow. The workflow is the recruitment process that counts for a candidate after the candidate decides to apply. A recruitment process can include steps like "Review", "Job interview" and "Share with hiring manager". Since the workflow for a job application might differ from the workflow for an open application or campus event registration, it is possible to select which workflow will be linked to the "Job application" in which case. The workflow that will be chosen in this field, will be linked to the candidate in case the form is submitted for a job application. By clicking the magnifying glass behind the field, it is possible to search in the existing workflows.
- Open application workflow: Just as for "Job application workflow" a workflow needs to be linked to a candidate in case of an open application. That makes it possible to guide the candidate through the recruitment process of the organisation. By clicking the magnifying glass behind the field, it is possible to search for the workflow that should be used in case a form is submitted for an open application.
- Campus event workflow: Since campus events are usually very different compared to jobs, the workflow (recruitment process) is normally also different. Therefore, this field provides the option to select which workflow should be used in case a candidate submits a form for a campus event. There is a possibility to search for the matching workflow, by clicking on the magnifying glass behind the field.
Extra settings to change job application name for open applications
Like explained in the section on "Default values and workflows", a new "Job application" is created at the moment a candidate submits a form for a job application, open application or campus event registration. The "Job applications" for campus events look different from the other two "Job applications" in the overview, but the job application and open application look very much a like. For that reason it can be useful to add a postfix to the "Job application" of an open application, in order to have a better indication of the difference between these applications and job applications. In the following screenshot, the section is shown in which it is possible to configure this postfix. After that, an explanation of the field will be given.
The field that can be filled for configuration of clearer differences, is:
- Open application postfix: This field can be used to add a text to the name of a "Job application" in case it is created for an open application. For example, the text "open" can be used. This will be placed behind the name of a new open application, to see the difference between open and job applications when looked at it in an overview.
After this section is configured, click "Save" to create the form. When another form needs to be created, click "Save & New". When the form is created, it can be used in the Connexys-application.
Extra settings of the Application form
To receive the data necessary from the applicant, it is necessary to configure at least one good application form. Information on how to configure a form is given in the article on "Forms". But, when an application form is created, there are still several settings that are related and need to be configured.
The fields that need to be filled are:
- Use email opt-out: Determines whether to show the email settings as either opt out of opt in.
- Allowed document types: As already indicated, it is possible that an organisation does not want to receive a letter or CV in a certain format. Therefore, this settings determines the types of documents that are allowed for the applicant when submitting the form. These document types (e.g. doc, pdf, xls, ppt) have influence on CV, letter, extra document 1 and extra document 2 (without dots, and separated with a comma).
- Allowed image types: Just like for the documents, an organisation might want to receive images (e.g. photo) in certain formats. Similar to "Allowed document types" the image extensions (e.g. gif, jpeg, png) can be saved without the dot and separated by a comma.
- Javascript Form Origin Domains: When using javascript for application forms, fill here the domains in which you can find in the CORS settings.
- Multi-language: Checking this checkbox provides the applicant the opportunity to choose in which language he or she wants to see and fill out the application form. If this box isn't checked, the applicant will see the application form in the language that is set in the field "Default language". Note: this setting also influences the form for subscription to the job alert.
- Stylesheet: An organisation might be willing to change the style of the application form to have a better match with the look & feel of their site. Therefore, this setting provides the opportunity to override the style of the application form and in this way, make adjustments to background, colors and font types. Note: this stylesheet does not have influence on the fields shown on the application form, but only the style of it.
- Default language: Determine the language in which the application form should be shown to the applicant when he or she wants to apply for the job. This language should be filled in this field by the use of a language code (e.g. "en-US" for English in the United States, "en-EN" for English in the United Kingdom). Note: when the "Multi-language"-checkbox is checked, the applicant has the option to change the language of the application form.
- Supplier self registration license name: Settings to register as a supplier on the Application form.