The easiest way to create a new Job is by use of the Job Wizard, a tool that indicates the fields that need to be filled for the creation of a new Job. An example of how this wizard could look like is given below.
Note: The Job Wizard and the Job Page Layout are configured separately.
Application Settings
The layout of the Job Wizard can be adjusted to the preferences of the organization. Other fields that can be shown on the Job Wizard and are important for the creation of a job are "Job description", "Job requirements" and "Compensation & benefits". Adjustment of the fields in this wizard can be done in the application settings and will be explained below.
The following screenshot shows what the section on Job Wizard looks like in the Application Settings:
Fields to be Filled
Job Wizard: Page Layout
This field determines the layout of the "Job wizard", which implies that it determines the fields that are shown on the page. In the example, the layout consists of four fieldsets (position details, people involved, job description, and media channels), all containing their fields. Next to that, there is a section on pre-screening questions in this Job Wizard. To make or adjust fieldsets, go to Setup > Build > Create > Objects, and search for the Job object. That object contains a section on fieldsets, where adjustments or new fieldsets can be made.
Before changing the field sets in the job wizard it is advised to make a copy of the current setup, as a fallback if the change isn't desirable.
Note: Each field set or section needs to be placed on a new line in this field.
Field Sets
It's important to enter a (new) section, with a field set, on a new line like this:
The three different parts of this sentence, with a Job field set, are (the bold text needs to be taken over in its entirety):
- fieldset.
- API name of the Job field set
- .header directly followed by the number of the header
To make or adjust field sets, go to Setup > Build > Create > Objects, and search for the Job object. That object contains a section on field sets, where adjustments or new field sets can be made.
Hard Criteria
The three parts of this sentence, with Hard Criteria, are (the bold text needs to be taken over in its entirety):
criteria(Hard criteria 1,Hard Criteria 2).header8
- criteria
- In brackets, specify which hard criteria you want to show
- .header directly followed by the number of the label
Job record type(s) and assigned page layout
If a section has to apply for a page layout for a specific Job record type(s), you need to include the following - italic - part in the sentence:
fieldset[Job Recordtype A, Job Record type B*].cxsrec__Wizard_position_details.header3
criteria[Job Recordtype A, Job Record type B*](Hard criteria 1,Hard Criteria 2).header8
*If this field set applies to more record types you have to separate them by a comma.
Mandatory fields and criteria
Click here for information about how to make fields required.
Click here for information about how to make Hard Criteria mandatory
Select department/customer?
This setting configures whether it is possible to choose the department or customer the job belongs to during creation in the "Job wizard". When selected, the "Job wizard" will automatically fill the field "Company information" of the job with the text that is provided in "Company description" in the file of the selected department or customer.
Sort departments/customers hierarchically?
By checking this checkbox, the application will sort the departments and customers in the "Job Wizard" hierarchically. This implies that organizations will have their departments right below them. In this way, all accounts related to one organization will be grouped. If this setting is not checked, the departments and customers will be sorted alphabetically.