Generate CV



Within the Connexys application, you have the ability to create a personalized candidate CV with the information you define and in the style sheet of your company. The generated CV can be sent to your clients either together with or instead of the actual candidate's CV within the workflow steps.

Utilizing the Generate CV functionality

When utilizing the Generate CV functionality, the interface presents the following screen:

Within the Generate CV functionality, there is an option to load a previously generated CV.

Under the Candidate details tab, you can view and edit all fields related to the following objects:

  • Candidate
  • Job Application
  • Job
  • Work Experience
  • Education

Each of these objects has a corresponding fieldset that defines the visible fields in the Generate CV functionality. These fieldsets can be modified by navigating to Salesforce setup > Create > Objects > Candidate > Fieldset with "CV Generator" in the naming.

You can make changes on the left, and then either click the green arrow to transfer the new value per field or use the green button at the top to transfer all values of the section.

Switching to the Parsed CV tab displays the parsed Work Experience and Education sections of the CV below.

You can rearrange sections by either dragging and dropping them or using the green arrow and/or green button to transfer data from one side to the other. 

The pencil icon allows you to edit the value of the data.

To add additional Work Experiences and Educations not present on the CV, return to the Candidate details tab and click the blue button below.

There, you can define details from scratch and transfer them to the right section using the green button.

Clicking the PDF Preview tab displays the preview of the Generated CV:


  • At the Job application page; there is a field called 'Preferred Resume. [You do not see the Generate CV screen]. With this field, you know which CV is used as preferred.
  • At the Generate CV page; Clicking button "Save Generated CV to jobapp" causes the Generated CV to be used on this the step. Clicking button "Use Uploaded CV" causes the uploaded resume to used.
  • At the Generate CV pageKnown issue: The document preview can not (yet) be downloaded. Since the page is still in editing mode for the resume, the data is volatile, ie not saved.
  • If you experience problems with the PDF preview in the Gen CV read this article.
  • Avatar
    Stefaan Somers

    Is there a way that you can also specify the name of the generated CV instead of the standard one, especially when you want to reuse it afterwards

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