This article distinguishes the creation of three different types of Job Applications and explains the Job Application Detail page;
Create a Default Job Application
Create an Open Application
Create a Campus Event Application
Job Application Detail Page
Create a Default Job Application
The default Job Application basically serves as a connection between a Job and a Candidate. A single Candidate can be connected to several Jobs through the use of Job Applications. You can read about how to create a Job Application.
A. Navigate to the Job applications tab and click new. The Job Application Wizard* opens.
Note:your job application tab's location may differ from the tab's location as shown in the image below.
B. Specify the Candidate in order to easily find the candidate you are looking for, the Candidate lookup function can be used. Type in the first two or three characters of the desired Candidate's name and click the magnifying glass icon. A new window will pop up that lets you conveniently select the Candidate.
C. In order to create a new Job Application, it is required to specify Job application in the record type field.
D. Click next
E. In the page that appears, the following fields can be filled. The Job field is required, hence the red mark next to the field as seen in the image.
- Job: Specify the job that you want to make a new Application for. In order to easily find the job you are looking for, the job lookup function can be used. Type in the first two or three characters of the desired job's name and click the magnifying glass icon. A new window will pop up that lets you conveniently select the candidate.
- Media channel: This field defines the candidate source.
- CV: Upload the candidate's CV here.
- Extra document 1 and 2: Upload any extra documents here.
F. Click Save
* The Styling of the Job Application Wizard is Connexys Only. Submit a change request to the helpdesk.
Create an Open Application
The Open Application, unlike the Campus Event Application and default Job Application, is only connected to the candidate. The Open Application basically serves as a way for the Candidate to declare his or her interest in the organization, without specifically applying for a Job. You can read about how to create an Open Application.
A. Navigate to the Job applications tab and click new.
B. Specify the Candidate. In order to easily find the Candidate you are looking for, the Candidate lookup function can be used. Type in the first two or three characters of the desired Candidate's name and click the magnifying glass icon. A new window will pop up that lets you conveniently select the Candidate.
C. In order to create an Open Application, it is required to specify Open Application in the record type field.
D. Click next
E. In the page that appears now, the following fields can be filled:
- Letter:Upload the Candidate's motivation letter here.
- Add to workflow:In this field, state whether you want the Candidate to be placed in the Open Application workflow or in none.
- Media channel:This field defines the Candidate source.
- CV:Upload the Candidate's CV here.
- Extra document 1/2:Upload any extra documents here.
F. Click Save
Create a Campus Event Application
The Campus Event Application basically serves as a connection between a Campus Event and a Candidate. A single candidate can be connected to several campus events through the use of Campus Event Applications. You can read about how to create a Campus Event Application.
A. Navigate to the Job applications tab and click new.
B. Specify the Candidate. In order to easily find the Candidate you are looking for, the Candidate lookup function can be used. Type in the first two or three characters of the desired Candidate's name and click the magnifying glass icon. A new window will pop up that lets you conveniently select the Candidate.
C. In order to create a Campus Event Application, it is required to specify Campus Event Application in the record type field.
D. Click next
E. In the page that appears now, the following fields can be filled. The Campus Event field is required, hence the red mark next to the field, as seen in the image.
- Campus event:Specify the Campus Event that you want to make an Application for. In order to easily find the campus event you are looking for, the campus event lookup function can be used. Type in the first two or three characters of the desired campus event's name and click the magnifying glass icon. A new window will pop up that lets you conveniently select the campus event.
- Letter:Upload the Candidate's motivation letter here.
- Media channel:This field defines the Candidate source.
- CV:Upload the Candidate's CV here.
- Extra document 1 and two:Upload any extra documents here.
Job Application Detail Page
There are two ways to go to this page in the Connexys application. You approach this page by clicking on a application via the Tab Job applications or on a Candidate via the Tab
Applicant tracking.
Use the related list hover links at the top of the page to jump to the content of the related list. Use the buttons below to Edit, Delete or Clone the Application or Generate the CV. The page has in general the following lists and fields:
- Job application: Here you can find the information of the application, like status, date, progress and owner.
- Candidate details: Information of the Candidate, like Name (link to the Candidate), language and Email.
- Document: CV and/or Letter the Candidate added to his or her application.
- Job details: Information of the Job, like Name (link to the Job) and Hiring Manager.
- Document Preview: PDF preview of the CV. letter or other documents the Candidate added to the application.
- Supplier: Information of the Contact supplier.
- Answered questionnaires: The answers of the Candidate on the Questionnaires of the Job.
- Assessed job requirements: The answers of the Candidate on the job requirements'
- Steps: Use 'New Step' to give the Candidate a new Status in the workflow.
It is also possible instead of creating a new step, cancel a taken step like an interview.
1. So navigate to the Steps section on either the relevant Candidate detail page or the relevant Job application detail page.
2. Click delete for the interview that you want to cancel.
3. If the planned interview date has not passed yet, an interview cancellation email will be sent to the candidate automatically (A planned interview with date lies in the past, a cancellation email will not be sent)
N.B. If you want to cancel an interview, but you do not want a cancellation email to go out to the candidate, simply edit the planned interview date to be in the past before deleting. This will stop any cancellation email from being sent.