Release Notes - Connexys v.9


This article is the general overview of the most important improvements for release v.9

Start installing: Summer 2017 [Expected: August/September]

1.  Introduction
2. Additions
3. Changes
4. Fixes

1. Introduction

In addition to the new and improved functionalities and bug fixes, we have also worked on improving the security of our application. We have done this by following the Salesforce security guidelines and secure software development best practices.
The improvements that have been made have effect on different components within our app. For the full list of components and test cases please visit this article, which can guide you in your testing efforts. Most of these components are only accessible by System Administrators. We have performed extensive testing from our side but do advise you to specifically test custom configuration and connections with third parties and API’s, since we are not able to test any custom configuration and connections.
Due to the security improvements, we strongly advise you to have your org upgraded to Release 9 as soon as possible.


2. Additions 

1.1 Lightning Ready

We continued working on making Connexys Resource Manager ready for Salesforce Lightning. To read more on Salesforce Lightning, visit: Salesforce lightning campaign


3. Changes

3.1 Hard criteria with levels

In the Connexys Setup a new option is available: Hard criterium level sets. Create the desired level sets and link the Hard Criterium Type to the desired level set. This allows Candidates and Recruiters to select which level of the hard criteria is applicable. Places where this component is used; Edit hard criteria, Javascript apply formJob wizard, Candidate wizard, Proposal Portal, Textkernel Search and the CV generator. [TRS-2791]

Please be aware that this will become available when all customers are upgraded to Release 9.

3.2 Questionnaire: logic possibilities enhanced 

Logic between certain questions can now be added to more than one answer per question. Read this article for more information about questionnaires and adding logic to questions. [TRS-2586]

3.3 Questionnaire: objects that can be used enhanced

Questionnaires can now be used on all objects, including custom objects, with an extra URL parameter. This is further explained in the article Questionnaires [TRS-2709]

3.4 Email clean up schedule

A new application setting (Email cleanup duration, which can be found in the Connexys Setup -> Application settings -> System) is available in which you can determine the number of days emails are kept in the database. The default value is 365 days. [TRS-2861]

3.5 Publish on job boards

The screen that appears when publishing a vacancy to a jobboard via Mimir (by using the button "Publish on job boards") is changed. You will see this change if the vacancy is published to some available job boards, but not to all. Two tables will then be shown with on top the table with existing job adverts on job boards and below the table that shows the job boards the vacancy has not yet been published to. This also allows you to update a certain posting without updating all active postings. To do so, first select the posting you want to update and then click on the button ''Update selected job boards''. [TRS-2785]


3.6 Proposal portal: multiple documents

Besides the CV or Generated CV, it is now also possible to use other documents in the Proposal Portal, including custom documents. [TRS-2802]

3.7 Proposal portal: account on step page

On the step page both the job name and account name are now displayed when proposing a candidate via the Proposal portal in the "Proposal page for" field. [TRS-3066]

3.8 Proposal portal: sorting proposals

The proposals (job applications) in the proposal portal will be sorted first by the display order of the workflow status the job application is in and will then show the most recent proposal within that status on top. Previously the oldest proposal was shown on top. [TRS-3067]

3.9 Workflow activities and sharing

A new application setting is available, Save activities in job application, to make sure workflow activities like workflow step emails are saved on the Job application and not on the Candidate (if the setting is enabled). This is useful when you use sharing on the Job application object to make sure activities of a job application are not visible for users who have access to the Candidate but not to the Job application. [TRS-2893]

3.10 Account: Customer & Supplier

It is now possible to use one account as a Customer and as a Supplier, regardless of the account record type. There are two new fields on the Account object: Is_customer__c and Is_supplier__c. If Is_supplier__c is checked on the account, it will be seen as a Supplier. The account is therefore shown on the Distribute to suppliers screen. If Is_customer__c is checked the account will be seen as a Customer and is shown in the Job wizard in the account look up field. If both fields are checked for one account, it is seen as both a Supplier and Customer. The account is shown in the Job wizard in the account look up field and on the Distribute to suppliers screen. [TRS-2592]

3.11 Textkernel Candidate Search: Optimization of indexing

The candidate indexing schedule for Textkernel Search has been optimized. The schedule will now run every half hour and index a maximum of 1250 candidates every half hour. [TRS-3213]

3.12 Generate CV: Modal work experience/education improved

The modal where you can add and edit the work experience and education for the Generated CV has been improved and is now draggable, so you can see the information underneath. [TRS-2700]

3.13 Generate CV: Add hard criteria to a Generated CV

Hard criteria can now be added to the Generated CV, including skill levels (if they are enabled). To have the hard criteria section appear on the Generate CV page, the application setting 'CV Generator Layout' needs to include the option HardCriteria. [TRS-2774]

3.14 Textkernel Search: Hard criteria with levels

The new hard criteria with levels can also be used in Textkernel Search (both Candidate and Job search). There is some setup needed which can partly only be done by Connexys. Furthermore, new facets will only show values if candidates with values for these new facets have been reindexed. [TRS-2782]

3.15 Generate CV: Save generated CV to all job applications of candidate

When proposing one candidate for multiple job applications (to different hiring managers), it is now possible to save the created Generated CV for all job applications. You only need to create the CV once and click on "Save CV to all". It will then skip the job applications of this candidate and move on to the next candidate/job application for which a Generated CV has not yet been created or chosen. [TRS-2960]

3.16 New Candidate Wizard

A new Candidate Wizard is available, which is a Lightning component. The wizard can be enabled for both the edit mode as well as the new mode. The new wizard offers CV parsing in the edit mode, to update the candidate CV and automatically fill out the corresponding fields. After parsing, you will see which fields have different values and are able to undo this if necessary. To enable the new Candidate Wizard, the "Edit" and "New" button action should be set to override the default action with the cxsCandidateWizardLightning visualforce page. You need to this in the Salesforce Setup on the Candidate object. To use the Lightning wizard, your user profile needs to have Create and Edit object permission on the Hard Criteria object. [TRS-3011]

With the new Candidate Wizard you will also receive a notification when creating a new candidate that already exists. Before definitively saving, and thus overwriting the already existing candidate, you will be notified of the changes that were made and can then decide if you want to overwrite the existing record. [TRS-3151]

3.17 Anonymization: Agreement renewal page

The agreement renewal doesn't automatically renew itself anymore. The candidate needs to click on a button to keep their data for the predefined amount of time. A new label has been created for this button: cxsrec__Renew. On top of the button text is shown which uses the label cxsrec__renewButtonExplained.[TRS-3369]

Styling can be added for the cxsAgreementRenewal page. Two application settings have been added for this: Top HTML of Agreement Renewal page and Bottom HTML of Agreement Renewal page. These settings can be found under Anonymize. [TRS-3116]

3.18 Step screen Proposal Portal

A new application setting, Hide proposal portal section on step page, has been added to hide the Proposal Portal section on the Step page. The section contains the following fields: Introduction text languageRecruiter that presents the candidatesIntroduction text. If you hide the section, the default value will be used. If, for some reason, one of the fields has no default value, the section will be displayed even if the application setting is true. [TRS-3226]

3.19 Maintain the picklist translation table

In the Advanced setup section of the Setup Overview page (Connexys Setup) there is now an option to maintain the picklist translation table. A special page, Maintain Picklist Translation Table, has been created where you can see the translation details, empty and update the table. For Textkernel Search candidates and jobs are saved to an index. For picklist fields, Textkernel Search needs the translation of all picklist values. To enable the indexing of translations of picklist fields, we have to save the picklist fields with their translations to the database. This page allows you to delete all existing translations in the database and to re-enter them into the database. This needs to be done each time you change the set of picklist values in a field that is indexed at Textkernel Search. Also after translating of these picklist values, you need to do this. [TRS-3300]

3.20 Deleting candidate

The possibility to delete a candidate form the left block menu has been removed. Instead the regular delete button of Salesforce on the candidate needs to be used. [TRS-3370]

3.21 Account name visible on Generate CV page

The account name is shown next to the job application name on the Generate CV page if the application setting Display organization name is enabled. It will show the name of the organization that is linked to the position displayed in the heading for the job application on the Generate CV page. [TRS-3448]

3.22 Generate CV

Richt Text fields can be added to the CV Generator. [TRS-3542]

3.23 Hard criteria on Proposal Portal

Hard criteria can be shown on the Proposal Portal. You can set this up via Application settings --> Proposal Portal --> Detail layout. Three options have been added, in correspondence with the three possible displays of hard criteria: HardCriteriaListHardCriteriaTableHardCriteriaMatrix. With the setting Hide levels in Proposal Portal, you can hide all levels on the proposal portal. To use a criterium in the CV generator and Proposal Portal the hard criteria type must have the checkbox Show on CV generator checked. [TRS-3238]

3.24 Javascript API for Work Experience & Education

Work Experience and Education are now also available for the Javascript form. All you need to do is check the boxes for these objects on the form in the Connexys Setup. If the checkboxes are already checked, Work Experience and Education will automatically be shown on the Javascript form after the install of Release 9. [TRS-2570]

3.25 HTML encoded

The values of hidden fields in the following fieldsets are now HTML encoded: cxsJob_alert_registration__c.hiddenDivFields and cxsJob_application__c.hiddenDivFields. SEO's that read data from this need to take this into account. Furthermore, it is no longer possible to use HTML in the header title of the iFrame form: <h1 class="cxsPageTitle">. This might also affect HTML in the following labels: Register_forApply_forOpen_Application. [TRS-3316]

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4. Fixes

Each of our customers reporting a bug via Connexys Support, always receives updates on fixes for that bug via Connexys Support.

Reference Description  
TRS-2674 Dutch - English translations have been improved  
TRS-2699 Applicant Tracking: rating adjustment effected a correct sorting  
TRS-2700 Generate CV: layout issue on the pop-up solved  
TRS-2703 Choosing a group step in the Workflow tab and then going back caused an error  
TRS-2706 It should not be possible to perform the step "Propose with Generate CV" without going to Generate CV even though as per setup "Generated CV required" is set to true  


Proposal portal: the date of birth is displayed in a correct date format  
TRS-2778 Multiposter IGB: error when deleting Job advert.  
TRS-2796 Google Map on Candidate overview works fine again when not using a visualforce page  
TRS-2804 Javascript form: no post message when file upload  
TRS-2805 Multiposter IGB: When posting without a start and/or end date it will not provide a date  
TRS-2815 Javascript error on Reject / Add to talentpool step fixed  
TRS-2843 Workflow status when performing a step without transition is correctly saved  
TRS-2911 Error in showing numbers in Gen CV fixed  
TRS-2913 Values of custom picklists for Education & Work experience are shown correctly in the Generated CV  
TRS-2922 Validation rule candidate wizard is shown correctly  
TRS-2935 Available documents is correctly filled  
TRS-2939 Translation of picklist fields on the trsPortalPosition page are shown correct  
TRS-2983 Topics that will be anonymized are now also shown on the anonymize page  
TRS-3010 The filter "applyBool=false" in Connexys Candidate Search is fixed  
TRS-3017 Trim added on CV Generator setting  
TRS-3046 Text in custom text field in fieldset Talentpool View is displayed correctly  
TRS-3069 Label translation Textkernel settings fixed  
TRS-3070 Enters are now correctly on forms and Questionnaires  
TRS-3093 Picklist values in Manager Portal are no longer shown twice  
TRS-3122 Errors on the step page when a mandatory field is left empty are displayed correctly  
TRS-3133 Display of & on Gen CV page is fixed  
TRS-3135 Only allowed candidates are now shown in the Manager Portal  
TRS-3139 Company information and Compensation & benefits are correctly displayed in Manager Portal  
TRS-3219 CV on mobile Javascript form is correctly shown as mandatory  
TRS-3220 Correct language is displayed in the preview Proposal Portal  
TRS-3225 Personality match is correctly translated in Proposal Portal  
TRS-3287 Validation error in Job wizard is displayed correctly  
TRS-3441 Parsing works without Last CV field in fieldset for Javascript form  
TRS-3475 Facet Candidate record type correctly displayed in Textkernel search  
TRS-3483 External job alert only sends out externally published jobs  
TRS-3607 Uploaded CV can be downloaded and viewed via the Proposal portal  





Until finalizing the release itself, this article is an indication to help anticipate better on our upcoming release, and are not yet the final release notes.

When a release will be towards finalization, we will announce this to all our customers via email.

When later upgrading a customer's org with the new release, we will inform that customer individually.

Connexys maintains the right to, without prior warning, adjust the material on this planning. Read our full Disclaimer here or download our General Conditions.

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    Peter Teplický

    Dear colleagues,
    are you plan to arrange webinar for this release as it was for Release 8?
    Kind regards,
    Peter Teplicky

  • Avatar
    Joost Fortgens

    Dear Peter,

    Last Friday an invite has been send to all customers to learn more about release 9.

    Hope to welcome you in the webinar.

    Kind Regards,
    Joost Fortgens

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